[Wednesday — 27th November 2030 — 11:55 pm]

At the summit of a small hill, overseeing the sea surrounding the tall rocky terrain, a chilling scene was taking place for the world to witness.

An altar that was almost two meters high was erected majestically and shining in the color of dazzling gold.

All around, people entirely covered in white cloaks, enveloping their bodies from head to toe, were standing in rows on either side of the terrain, creating a road of honor that stretched and ended at the peak of the huge altar.

Further down the lane, even more people could be seen kneeling and praying in solemn voices, all draped in white, making their figures indistinguishable to no matter who saw them in this state.

Finally, at the peak of the altar; there was a man… standing there in a dignified posture.