While Theresa was seriously contemplating her future job prospects, Adam was facing a more complicated situation as he contemplated his chances of failure and the ensuing repeated deaths on that front as he looked over the page of the Book of Genesis that showed him a new set of ordeals for him to accomplish.

『 Epic Ordeal: White Knight

Description: For reasons unknown, Azazel— the Archangel of Death has managed to stop the descent of Lucifer on this world. But in his place, another High ranked Devil of Hell, Xezbeth, the Devil of Lies was sent to accomplish his tasks and allow him to descend on this plane. He is severely wounded right now and cannot bring out the full extent of his devilish powers. Fight him, defeat him, and save the cultists from the devil's grasp as all humans are deserving of a second chance. Every Cultist saved gives an additional 30 karma points to you. An additional 60 karma points will be rewarded for every person you convert into your follower.