When Adam came back from his room after his discussion with Yui had come to an end, he could see that midnight was almost upon them and things were starting to wind down at the party.

Most of the food was already cleaned up and he could hear the explosive laughter coming from Makarov followed by a few more bouts of laughter from the others.

Approaching further, he could see that Viktor was currently conducting an arm wrestling match with Makoto. They were really going at it from the looks of it.

"Hahaha~ Dear Grandson. Don't disappoint me."

"What is happening here?"

He spoke to Susanne who was watching the fight and smiling every now and then from the sides.

"Mister made a bet with the Director and this is the result. The one who loses will have to clean everything by themselves."

"Oh. Is Prana involved in the match?"