CH 311: SHURI (5)*

Adam placed his hands on Shuri's small shoulder and began massaging them. He could read Shuri's thoughts and knew that she must have guessed that he was about to do something very unorthodox.



Adam smiled and started seriously massaging her, from her shoulders to her neck, slowly putting in more and more strength to help her muscles relax.

"You seem like you have quite a bit of stress."

As he spoke, he gazed at the glass of water close to her and a second idea bloomed in his mind.

Spreading his illusion, from Shuri's perspective, absolutely nothing changed.

He moved up, keeping an illusion of himself "massaging" her while in fact, he was doing so with his telekinesis.


Shuri let out a groan. A mix between pain and relief. She could feel her bones popping in place and cracking as if she was an old machine that hadn't been oiled in years.

"Right there…."