When Shuri asked the question on point, with a blunt tone coloring her voice, silence greeted her from the other end of the call for some time.

This was a tactic she was used to since the start in her career and one she had used against Adam last time.

During a discussion, the more you turned around the more time you gave to the other party to actually formulate an excuse and get away.

Point blank questions like this had the advantage of blindsiding the opponent and leaving him hesitating.

"Before you answer me, you need to know that I hate lies above everything else. You two already kinda lied to me about the things with Adam but I can let that pass since I am aware of your circumstances.

But this right here is a totally different matter altogether. This is a matter that concerns me and my family"

This was another tactic. Giving more rope for them to hang themselves with. After such words, any future lies will be even more impactful once discovered.