[Wild Hunt]

Meanwhile, back at the bar, Yui was sitting with her legs crossed as she looked at Adam sitting face to face with her, merely a table separating the pair of brother and sister.

Taking one of the bottles from the assortment of bottles before her, she poured the whiskey into his glasses before pouring one for herself.

"So… Would you tell me what happened with you two? The moment you entered, the two of you seemed to go in trance for a few seconds then she just stood up and left."

"I guess you could say that we were talking with each other through our minds?"

Obviously, the speed of thoughts was far faster than the simple act of speaking itself. The time they spent inside the illusion may have been slightly long but only an instant would have gone by in the real world.

"I see… and may I ask what you two talked about? Or is this a secret between the two of you that ultimately cannot be disclosed?"

Adam shrugged, "No reason to hide anything from you."