Listening to Natasha's words, Adam had to gaze at the painting once again, his mind wandering to the contents of her statement.

The Black Death— Bubonic plague. It was one of the deadliest events in all of humanity's history.

It wouldn't be wrong to call it an apocalypse and indeed it had also been labeled as one by multiple people throughout the centuries. Even if we were to base it on the scale of different apocalypses that Medusa had informed her back then, this event wouldn't fall short of anything but a civilization destruction event.

Starting around the 14th century…

From the Year 1346 to approximately 1353, the plague spread faster than anything before it had ever shown to spread, killing nearly 200 million people and erasing nearly 50% of the European population in its entirety. Most likely, the death count was far higher than what was recorded and estimated by the experts.