After the two of them finished their delicious food, they both released a sigh of contentment from their lips. A sigh that was filled with both happiness but also traces of sadness and remorse.

After all, they had managed to eat something that they would have never tasted in their entire life no matter how strong or rich they were or could become.

Ahmadou was not the genre of cook who simply relied on the great ingredients he found through his adventure.

Adam did not know how to explain this but clearly, by mixing the properties of his prana, he was able to induce many positive effects in the food, making this an overly luxurious dinner.

"His reputation truly deserved."

Natasha muttered as she felt her power grow slightly stronger. One meal alone had given her the equivalent of a few weeks or months of arduous. What if she was served such a meal every day from infant age up to this day?