CH 438: NATASHA (3)**

Adam was having fun right now. He loved to have sex, loved to bask in the waves of carnal pleasure, but what he loved more than anything was to see a woman lose all her restraint in the throes of passion and moan and beg him to give her more. The sense of empowerment it filled him with was something that could never be explained in mere words. He just loved it all.

Adam felt like he was like a musician fine-tuning an instrument to bring out the best sound possible out of the device.

As if on cue, the moaning noises, that Natasha had been trying her hardest to stifle and suppress, came out stronger than ever before due to Adam's machinations. Prompted by her sweet noise and reaction to his cunnilingus, Adam went even further into her depths and worked hard to provide her with even more pleasure.