Inside the plane headed for Paris, on the first-class section, both Adam and Tsubasa were sitting together while Makoto and Mark were seated on the other side, and Elysia was sitting in the front with Luvia at her side. The seats were lavish and housed 2 persons per section.

Their seatings weren't exactly random, spread out in such a manner that they could react instantaneously no matter what situation they may find themselves in if they were to be compromised. However, everything was ultimately useless as the whole plane and an extension of more than a mile in diameter in a spherical dome was under Adam's control, coming under the range of his domain.

If he just willed it, he could completely crush this plane to pieces, put a lifelike illusion in the heads of the pilots, or even change the flight path with just a simple mental command. This was quite literally his domain now.