CH 503: Fear?

Cheshire did not have to wait for too long as soon, she felt the Black Queen stiffen for a second before the way she petted her changed, becoming more domineering and possessive. 

Cheshire also liked this kind of thing so she did not mind, 

"How was it?"

The Black Queen stayed silent for a while before shrugging, "I was talking with an old friend so to speak."

Her voice was bitter and Cheshire caught it, 

"Oh? You cannot say his name?"

"I could. But if I did, he would be able to find me here immediately and while I am sure he has some ideas about what is happening, I do not want to give him too much leverage. Well, not like he really needs more."

Lilith fought the urge to pinch her eyes. She had been wondering who would be attracted by the action of The Boy. She should have expected that he would be one of them.

No matter how much protection Eve gave him, it was impossible to completely block such a big karmic connection.