CH 520: Elementary my dear

Charlotte Holmes had lived a long life compared to what her appearance suggested and she had witnessed many things.

Both good and bad. As a prominent detective and the heir of the Holmes family, she had been forced or rather incentived to explore the world of humanity and the supernatural in all its glory and decadence.

This was why she knew, the word genius was generally used very lightly and anyone showing a smidgen of talent would be slapped with that label.

Charlotte hated this. She hated how light this word had become and how many uncultured people with limited mental capacity used it.

If at least they were intelligent enough to realize their stupidity she would not feel so much grief but they were too stupid to realize they were stupid and were so stupid they thought they were smart.

In the last thirty years though, Charlotte has finally managed to witness true talent. True monsters worthy of being labeled as geniuses.
