Chapter 62: Demon Whelp!

The demon let out a snarl as it swung its sword at Zell, its twisted horns glinting in the dim light. Zell dodged the blow, his blades flashing as he struck back. The sound of metal clashing together filled the air as the two engaged in a fierce battle with sparks and blood spraying around them.

The woman watched in fear as Zell fought the massive demon, her heart racing with worry.

She couldn't believe that he would protect her with no reward. He also seemed in danger right now. The woman wanted to do something, to help somehow, but she knew she was powerless against the monster.

'Is there nothing I can do?' She thought in despair. The boy's body hammered against some crushed rocks from the powerful blow he took. Yet an instant later, he shot back like an arrow and tore a slither of flesh from the colossal demon.

The moonlight illuminated his haughty face with a faint smile.

"So cool…"

[So cool…]