Chapter 30: Demon [Part 4]

As the sun set, the sky darkened to orange as the first stars appeared in the heavens above, casting shadows across the land.

The grassy plains glowed red as the moon shone upon them, giving off its light as the night fell, with the sounds of crickets filling the air, creating a pleasant atmosphere for sleeping.

However, tonight wasn't as peaceful as usual; a large group of players gathered under the pale yellow full moon, sitting on logs scattered throughout the fields. Many sat around fires, having a drink and eating roasted meat. Others danced in circles, chanted strange rituals, or talked amongst themselves.

Some of these people were, in fact, NPCs as the gods discovered the carnage that Zell had been causing for the past several hours as he walked towards Europa V—instead of taking transport, he began to slaughter and sate his demonic desires, trying to hone them and control them to the tiniest spec.