Chapter 39: Date In Paria [Part 2]

Zell sat opposite the two women, leaving enough space between him and Anya for her to sit comfortably without touching him. A waiter appeared immediately and took their orders; Zell ordered a bottle of red wine to accompany dinner, watching as the glasses glinted against the candlelight.

"What did you order?" Anya asked.

Zell smiled politely at the question, "We're having steak tartare with fries, followed by grilled salmon and baked potatoes. Then we'll finish off with creme brulee."

'These girls probably don't want anything too heavy; let's just fill them up later on snacks or sweets if they are still hungry!' He thought.

"Sounds amazing... I love to fish," Tessa commented happily as Sasha brought them their drinks, placing a glass of chilled champagne in front of Zell, then poured the same into a flute for Anya.