Chapter 47: No Time For Empathy!

After stepping onto the edge of the stone bridge spanning the wide expanse of water separating the two sides of the cave, he moved aside to allow her access ahead of him. 

His gaze roamed over every inch of the lowest floor of the cave, filled with several imps that were "enjoying" some women before they were devoured like snacks by the demon guardian that sat on a black stone filled with the bones of countless humans and animals.

His attention landed briefly upon a female ravaged by the three biggest imps, struggling weakly against their brutal assault; he took satisfaction in watching her scream as he slowly approached the group.

Zell was going to kill her and all the women in this cave because he could sense demonic mana from their wombs and lower bodies.

'Well, this was something nobody in the game realised until much later, until it was too late and the captured women already gave birth to countless "children" for the demons.'