[Bonus chapter] Chapter 6: Old Man Baal!

Zell turned towards the elderly man; he seemed a little older than before he began crafting; although Zell knew the human form of gratitude, he was clueless for a demon, so he gave a humble bow, with his honest feelings pouring from his body.

Delight, happiness, joy, deep appreciation, and gratitude for what the man gave him.

"Honestly, I am so thrilled, and right now, my mind and body are filled with the passion for going out there, starting from scratch and crafting weapons and items to use all this knowledge you have given me! I have not felt such passion since I.... can remember."

He couldn't speak about dying, but his face showed a sincere and serious reaction, like losing their parents or loved ones.

Zell didn't understand demons; not sure if they had loved ones or things like that.

"Oh my boy, I can feel your honesty, and my decision wasn't wrong; your lack is different from regular demons; is it your dragon's blood? Who know's!"