[Bonus chapter] Chapter 13: Demon-Slayer [Part 2]

A few moments passed until he realised what it was: the scales rubbing against each other, creating a deep metallic grinding noise mixed with the occasional thud of bone hitting the floor.

Zell opened his eyes wide, staring at the massive demon currently in mid-air as if locked in slow motion; its demonic twisted arm was slamming down towards him, the black scales and thick claws aimed to tear him apart as its body rotated forward with the huge amount of force in the strike.

He tried to move his body, but with a slightly dull movement, he leaned to the side, pulling back his halberd, ready to pierce the demon guardian's body with a vicious thrust, feeling his arms tighten and anchoring himself into the floor, lowering himself taking a light breath in the process.

  At least, that's what Zell thought it was going to do.