Chapter 95: Judgment Day [2]

The world was burning; ash filled his lungs, while the screams and panic of people around him caused his ears to ring. 

He tried to move his body, wanting to fight back.

However, Garnet's arm held him tightly as they quickly rushed away, the wind assaulting his face, almost causing him to lose consciousness—her warmth and smooth scales were soothing, as her red flames encircled them both as her giant dragon wings unfurled, sending them shooting into the skies to escape.

The extremely loud explosions behind them caused his body to shudder, and his eardrums almost burst from the sheer magnitude.

Zell could feel the flames grow larger with each passing second, but Garnet did not flinch.

  He could hear her heart beating hard against his shoulder as she tried to stay calm; he could feel the shaking in her body, though the large beast managed to keep it contained enough for them to make it out unscathed.