Chapter 4: Nora's Request, Cynthia's Agreement

Zell's body was fully recovered, as he carried two huge boars and several rabbits tied to his waist.

Most technologies had been destroyed in the world as it was, and every satellite and data cable was destroyed last night; normally, there would have been a second merger where the game world still existed, but now it was almost entirely fused with reality.

Thus, the demons were free to invade slowly, but the limitations stopped the Demon Kings and Seraphim from descending to Asteria, but that was only for now.

Zell knew this would not give him long, maybe a few months, but like this, he'd already lost 2 years from the expected 5.

'Fuck, this life is so unpredictable.'

The expansion of the planet also wiped out most of the internet, with only a small, slow wifi still existing thanks to the efforts of the divines before the end.