[Bonus chapter] Chapter 9: Cynthia/Rika/Nora - Pleasure [R18]

While he was so busy thrusting into Rika's pussy, he couldn't help but notice Nora's tongue slowly licking his thighs, his legs, and his feet.

His toes were especially sensitive as he felt the slippery, wet organ slowly teasing them, like a child with a lollipop.

"Mmmmnnnn! M-master's feet... s-so lewd!" She said in between pants as her tongue slowly dragged from his big toe to his heel before slurping the honey left from her pussy.

"Nora... do you like my feet that much?" Zell asked as he smiled, teasingly moving his toes and toes, causing the little badger to squirm and jerk.

"Y-yes... haaa... y-yes!" She gasped as her pussy drooled onto his shin, making it feel slicker than before as her hot tongue slowly slipped down to his heel.