Chapter 11: The Southern Wilds [1]

Zell stood on the south edge of his territory, a huge cliff that dropped over 30 metres into a crater-shaped hole; this used to be a place that bordered Franzia, Espania and Europa III but now became a huge expanse of monsters.

Originally, a small city-sized area was used as a border for the two countries.

However, now, it was a huge, expansive forest filled with dark creatures, deadly flora, and wonderful fruits and plants that were now extremely useful.

Old plants like aloe vera, used for skin care, nutrition and other objects under the magic effect of mana and merging with the second world, transformed into super plants.

Honestly, this was not discovered in Zell's past life for a long time due to many of humanity's brightest minds being wiped out.

It was a glorious discovery that helped the survival of humanity to stretch two years until the fourth merger.