Chapter 19: Crushing Demons, Seducing Beauties [1]

The northern forest was completely different from the south, with its expansive area and thick trees spaced apart, allowing easy flight and manoeuvring.

A narrow forest, where the black trunks and branches of the trees entwined wrap around each other like a death coil. 

Black leaves with a scent of death and decay, the forest of the damned to the north was originally where he wished to send Elizabeth.

However, the terrain was unsuitable without considerable logging and destruction.

In this horrible place, a group of over 50 demons were standing around a huge pile of human corpses, a small guild that was happy to have bought their first guild home together a few months ago.

The house was now cramped, surrounded by a deadly forest of darkness and death.

"Tell me, Telron, where is the nearest village where we can massacre more of these rats?" A tall man with blonde hair and black eyes asked.