Chapter 29: Returning Home, My Dear Lynx

Zell's body rapidly dried off due to his high-speed flight—rushing through the woods, he used his strength to massacre countless monsters, carrying them in his arms as he rushed towards the large village where his people were waiting.

'I will make sure they have enough shelter and food, then help them all become strong enough to survive.' 

The village had grown rapidly since the start, with many women working together to increase the size and ensuring the entire village was created with the ability to grow into a town or city by organising the buildings to take a load from Zell's back.

Cryska and Alizeé were the two who worked hardest on this part, having both worked in the adult world with many jobs; both Elisé and Evelyn could have helped, but they were passing on different skills, with Elisé helping those who wished to learn cooking, cleaning and daily skills along with basic healing and first aid using both natural items and skill.