Chapter 31: Conflict - Another Village! [2]

Although not everyone knew who he was, they could feel he existed in their world as when they prayed—his presence was closer than ever.

Zell's wings fluttered with his eyes locking onto every orc that seemed to pose a major threat to the women below—even if it was only the chance one would get wounded or defeated, and he wouldn't take a risk.

This didn't include Almeria, Yanfra and her sister, as he felt their power and knew they could probably take all the orcs once easily. 

'Almeria lacks stamina but is stronger than you would expect.'

As Almeria moved forwards toward the orcs charging straight towards them without fear, Zell swayed his left arm through the air, the black gauntlet shimmering as countless flaming spears and icicles formed, more than fifty centimetres long, some even more as he pointed down.