Chapter 36: The Orc's Refusal.

The elves and vampires approached the orc settlement, which seemed close to a city in size, but their wooden gates were closed and reinforced with iron bars, and a large force stood on the walls with crossbows.

Zell stepped forward, eyes narrowing and watching the area, constantly trying to check for monsters, enemies, or anything that could ambush them. 

He noticed the elves and vampires were doing the same, but couldn't rest easy due to the constantly changing.

'The Divines are going to try their hardest to destroy me. It won't be long before that cuckold sends an archangel or something like a seraphim after me, and I might struggle to protect everyone...'

'Then the fucking demons are trying to widen the gap constantly. If a demon king gets through, I can beat them physically, but my magic is still too unskilled.'

'God forbid a Demon Emperor breaks the taboo.'