Chapter 47: Training Anya And Cryska!

As they left the small village, the beautiful forest and jungle expanded before their eyes. Zell had asked Lilith to stay and help the women there repair and build the first outpost, and she happily agreed. For some reason, their bond grew the longer they were close; even now, as he was apart, his chest could feel her emotions of curiosity and delight.

'That girl seems to want a world of coexistence...' Zell thought, listening to the distant sound of Lilith being scolded by the mature elven maiden on how to properly cut down a tree and plant another three in its stead.

This policy was something Zell wanted to keep. When cutting a single tree down, he made all his villages replant three or more trees in a new area with suitable soil.

He knew that it was stupid to worry about the atmosphere now, but in the future, when the world was filled with bountiful forests, maybe his distant children would thank him for protecting the planet's future.