Raiding A Criminal Gang (Part VI)

[Charles POV]

Reina called earlier and found the location of Jared. I didn't expect him to be on the battlefield already.

I had read my reports on him. He is the bane for all magic users. Principal Eryn is getting bashed. All his attacks were useless. I don't think he could take it much longer.

Assisting Principal Eryn, I summoned a monster from hell. No one except for a few people knew my actual ability.

Since that was the case, I made a horrible monster underneath Jared. I summoned a monster with a red fleshy body that was mind-numbing. It had one eye and was seriously disgusting to look at.

Opening its insanely largemouth from underneath, It took a bite of Jared's legs. The sight was gruesome, and Jared could not react to such a thing.

He screamed in horror, feeling the pain. My monster had disappeared after taking off the legs of Jared. People with weak hearts had either pissed off their pants or fainted in terror.