Constance's Struggle (Part II)

A few hours in, and trouble was in my way. Monsters with a superior sense of smell could already sense where I was at.

Their power was nothing to scoff at. I doubt anyone from our world could hold a candle to this werewolf that I was up against.

Luckily there was only one enemy in front if I could somehow distract the monsters. I would be safe for the time being.

In the meanwhile, I tried to distance myself from the wolf. But with the speed it was coming at, it was unlikely that I would be able to run it out.

After being chased by the monster for ten minutes, a monster with the same caliber attacked the unsuspecting wolf.

And what had attacked was a giant red salamander. The salamander had landed a critical hit with a fire breath, resulting in the wolf being injured.

Even if I wasn't being chased anymore, an opportunity had risen. I could run away and never meet these monsters again or wait until one of them dies and finish the remaining one.