Unknown (Part IV)

"Charles, have you been here all night? I have been searching for you."

Joanne found me drinking at a bar. She was angry that I had not told her where I was. Anyway, after a night of rest, Joanne seemed better.

"Drinking this much is incredible. I had never met someone who drank for eight hours straight. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I can't get drunk. Period."

"Can't get drunk? Such a pity."

The bartender interjected his opinion. He wondered if I could pay the bills. Since Joanne was here, I had no reason to stay.

"How much would this cost?"

"Four hundred thousand fibs."

Since I was done drinking, I paid the bartender. While it put a dent in my wallet, I could always regain them.

"Let's go. I need to find Constance."

"With the compass, I'm sure you will find them."

Upon leaving the bar, I felt some presence following me. Joanne felt the same and glanced at me, giving me a signal. I nodded in response, telling her I knew what would happen.