Chapter Twenty-Six

"S...Stern!" Zemira gasped and Stern looked at her, then he bowed, "Forgive my earlier rudeness. I was upset that I was at war and my general was still captured".

"Your general?" Soteria chuckled quietly. Azrael looked at Cassian who quickly masked his surprise. "I appreciate your concern for...yo..." he cleared his throat, "...for your general, "I am in great health" Cassian put on a fake smile and Soteria sniggered.

Stern smiled and beat down the mud that was on his hair, to the ground. "Why are you covered in mud?" Azrael asked and Stern looked at his boots then his armour, then back up, " not know".

"What?" Cassian scoffed and Stern held his head, "I did not even know that I was covered in mud till now" he said and Soteria rolled his eyes, "Yeah, and I am not the king of Thurtian".

"Do you have amnesia?" Zemira asked and Stern shook his head, "No, my lady, but that part of my memory is foggy and I have no idea how I got to the woods. I just woke up there".

Zemira walked towards Stern and placed her hand on his forehead. Cassian's eyes darkened. "You are burning up! You must be having a fever" Zemira said as she dropped her hand slowly from Stern's forehead.

"What is she, a doctor?" Cassian mumbled under his breath as he rolled his eyes. "You should see the doctor" Zemira said and Stern shook his head, "I appreciate your concern my lady".

"My Lady?" Cassian said a bit loud enough for Soteria and Azrael to hear him. "Do you prefer he calls her by her name or by her nickname, Zemy?" Azrael looked at him and Soteria smirked, "Jealous?" "Far from it! She is just being too friendly with him" Cassian looked back at Zemira who was standing closer to Stern...from his perspective.

"I only need to sleep it off" Stern said and Zemira nodded, "That might work but I do think you should see the doctor because part of your memory is missing" she pressed on.

Is she that worried about him now that he is really back?" Cassian thought and rolled his eyes. Stern gave a small smile, "I will be fine, my lady" he took her hand and gently raised it up.

Cassian's eyes widened in horror. What the- Stern raised Zemira's hand to his lips and was about to press them to her hand, but a hand slapped Zemira's hand out of Stern's grasp.

"Cassian?" Zemira looked at him but his grey eyes were fixed intently on Stern as he wrapped his arm around Zemira's waist and pulled her closer to himself, "Have a nice nap" he growled. For a split second, Stern gave a sly smirk then he bowed and left.

"Come and shoot some arrows with me, Your Majesty" Azrael held Soteria's shoulder. "We shall go after we review our plans and what we shall do about Stern" "Right now, Your Majesty" Azrael squeezed Soteria's shoulder as he tried to tell Soteria with his eyes, to read the room.

Either Soteria chose to ignore the signs or he was dense. "But we---" "Now, Soteria!" Azrael dragged him outside.

Cassian's nails dug into Zemira's waist, "Are you still in love with that man?" he looked at her and she arched her brow, "What are you talking about?" she asked and he let go of her, "You seemed quite concerned about him and you were getting too touchy with him" "I was just concerned about a friend".

"Friend?! Your "friend" almost killed our baby" Cassian seethed. "He apologized!" Zemira rested her hands on her hips as she glared at him, "Apologized? An apology does not change the fact that he put his hands on you!" he looked at her hand where Stern had held and had almost kissed.

"Cassian, if you are jealous, just say it instead of acting like a child!" "Yes I am jealous!" he shouted and Zemira's face immediately crimsoned. Her hands went to her hot and blushing cheeks. How can he say that with a straight face? she thought.

Cassian sighed and sat on a chair, "Come here, Zemy" he ordered. Zemira did not want to go to him because she was still upset, but she found herself walking towards him. Damn you legs! she cursed.

She was about to sit on the other chair, but Cassian grabbed her hand and pulled her towards himself, making her sit on his lap.

Zemira's heart started beating faster. She was about to stand up but he held her down. Her face flushed. Three attacks on her heart in a row? Could she survive this?

Cassian brushed her hair away from her shoulder, exposing her neck and rested his chin, "I am sorry" he breathed out against her neck and she nodded immediately, "Okay". She was sure he could feel the heat on her ears.

"I just do not trust that man around you, whether he is Stern or Isander. Stern tried to kill my baby and Isander killed Nola and made her into who she is not. I do not want that to happen to you" he hugged her tighter, "I do not want Isander to take the both of you from me" he said as he gently rubbed her belly, earning a kick from the baby.

"That is why I am also scared" he sighed as he gently squeezed her arm and raised his head from her shoulder. "I do not like you here with me in the camp. You could get hurt and I do not want that" "Should I leave then?" she looked at him over her shoulder.

Isander could also hurt Zemira back at Thurtian. He could hurt her anywhere. So she was safer at the camp...with Cassian.

Cassian snuggled closer to her and nuzzled his stubbled jaw against her neck, "No..." he whined like a little boy and she giggled. "I want you to stay here with me" he continued in his cute little boy voice and Zemira laughed.

"I also like you here in the camp. I get to hold you in my arms and kiss you whenever I want. I get to see your face and feel you" he smiled. "I just do not want anything to happen to you" he squeezed her hand.

Was he bipolar? Zemira laughed internally. She leaned into him and rested her head on his shoulder, "Nothing will happen to me" she looked at him and found him staring at her, "Remember what I said..." her hand fell to his and she slowly turned it to his palm. "...on the night we became one" she interlocked her fingers with his.

"We would die together with our hands like this" she raised their hands up, "Cassian I had promised you, and I shall not break my promise" she smiled then she pressed a kiss to his hand. Cassian smiled and kissed her hand then he rubbed her belly, "Can I listen to Bubbly?" he asked with a toothy grin.

She nodded and got up from his laps. He stood up and she sat back down, then he placed his ear on her belly and listened to their baby's movement. The baby kicked and Zemira grunted, "Are you alright?" Cassian snapped his head at her.

She nodded, "Bubbly wants to come out into the world soon" she smiled as she rubbed her belly. Cassian smiled and rested his head back on her belly.


"This is our last battle with the kingdom of Oculus. We shall take their leader down and take his head with us back to Thurtian!" Cassian shouted and the soldiers raised their weapons and cried out.

Cassian turned to Zemira and clasped her hands in his, "Wait here for me, Zemy" he said and was about leaving but she dragged him back, "I shall come with you!" "Zemy, you can not! You are with child!" "I saved you last time, did I not?" "That was different, Zemy!" "How was it different?" she asked and he rolled his eyes.

"Zemira, I promise you that I shall return to you complete" he said as he held her face. "Do you promise?" she asked and he kissed her hand, "I promise" he said and she looked away, "Then go! Before I change my mind".

He smiled and kissed her, "I shall return...I still have not given you your ring!" he winked as he ran off.

Zemira's brown eyes followed Cassian till he got to his horse and got on it. She smiled and looked at all the soldiers ready for battle, then her eyes landed on very cold green eyes.


His green eyes stared straight into her brown orbs and she felt a shiver up her spine. Then she saw it...his eyes flashed black. She gasped and Stern gave her a wide grin, then he turned his horse around and galloped to the front of his unit.

"Build your lovers' nest somewhere else" Soteria rolled his eyes as Cassian got on his horse, "You almost took the queen against my wall in my compound" he said as he looked at Soteria who got into a fits of coughs.

"You almost had sex with the queen in a viscount's manor?" Azrael asked and Soteria hit his chest, "That is so not true!" he said and turned to Cassian, "How did you know that?" he whispered "So it is true?" "Yes! No! I had the thought...but how did you know?" he asked and Cassian shrugged, "A man's instincts. I would have done the same to Zemira in the palace" he slapped the reins on Gerta's back and she neighed and galloped, with soldiers following her.

Zemira started picking her nails in fear. Isander's subconsciousness was still in Stern. Cassian was not safe!

"My Lady" someone tapped her and she jumped, "My Lady, are you okay? You look pale" the doctor said and Zemira looked at her hands. There was a trickle of blood. She had pricked herself.

She quickly hid her hands behind her back and shook her head, "I am just worried about my husband's safety" she gave a fake smile. The doctor patted her shoulder, "There is nothing to worry about. Lord Cassian is a ruthless and fearless warrior. He will come back to you".

Zemira nodded and then the doctor left. Indeed Cassian was very skilled in battle, he had killed five people all by himself and had not let the other two go unscathed. Also he had soldiers who were loyal to him.

Her hand slowly moved to her mouth and she started biting her nails. Even though Cassian was skilled, she had a feeling Isander was going to be a lot smarter and something bad would happen.


"It is an easy plan...the soldiers charge in at the front and then we find the three main leaders and kill them" Soteria said. "I am killing Cato!" he quickly said as he raised his hand.

Azrael and Soteria looked at Cassian. Who was going to kill Nola? Did he want to kill Nola? "Cassian?" Azrael said and Cassian looked up, "Are we going to kill Nola?" he asked.

Cassian was still contemplating. Should he kill Nola? Letting her live meant letting go of Zemira. He could not have them both. He internally groaned and gripped Gerta's reins tighter, "If she tries to protect her lord, there is only one thing we can do" he said and gently kicked Gerta's abdomen, then he rode away.


Isander saw Cassian and his soldiers headed towards the ruins of his fort. He only had one plan; kill Cassian, no matter what happened.

"My Lord" Nola bowed and Isander looked at her, "What is it?" he asked and she looked up, "I was just wondering why you can not rain down brimstones upon Cassian" she said and he chuckled, "And ruin the fun of killing my younger brother with my hands?" he kept his hands behind his back and walked away.

Nola looked at her finger and smiled at her ring. She had snatched her wedding ring from Cassian when he was in the fort.

She still loved Cassian, which was why she had to protect him from she could kill him and then kill herself and then they will be together in the afterlife.

She kissed her ring and chuckled. If she could not have Cassian, then Zemira could not have him either.


Cassian raised his sword, "If we die today, we die for honour" he said and pointed to Isander's fort, "Charge!" he shouted and the soldiers behind him ran screaming, to the fort.

Cassian turned back to Azrael, Soteria and Stern, "Cato should be hiding in the fort. It should not be hard to kill him" Cassian said to Soteria, "Oh I will not be killing him now...I still need an antidote for Sorin!" he said and Cassian then he turned to Stern and Azrael, "If you encounter not kill her...bring her to me" he said and rode into battle with Soteria behind him.

Azrael turned to Stern, " whatever your general tells you to do. Bring Nola him!" he said and kicked his horse then he rode away.

Stern smirked, "I will do what my general tells me to do...and now, he wants you dead" his eyes flashed black then he kicked his horse and rode away.

Swords clashed against each other. Blood splashed everywhere. Men and women fell down dead. Soteria slashed a man as he rode by on his horse.

Suddenly, bolts rained down and one struck down Soteria's horse, which made him to fall. He quickly got up and looked at his bleeding horse, "Goodbye old friend" he sighed and ran into the fort to find Cato.

Azrael and Stern took shelter as bolts continued raining down. "Last time were arrows" Azrael rolled his eyes as he took out his bow and arrow then he looked at Stern, "Cover me!" he said and placed an arrow over his bow then he and Stern quickly ran to get closer to the shooters.

Stern deflected a bolt that was coming their way while Azrael shot down one of the shooters. "We need to go up and stop all of them from shooting!" he shouted and Stern nodded.

They ran through the fighting soldiers and climbed the stairs to the turret. The shooters turned their repeating crossbows to them and started shooting.

Azrael and Stern quickly took cover, "On three" Azrael raised up three fingers, "One..." Stern quickly got up and ran towards the shooters. He averted all the bolts and swiftly moved to the back of a shooter and snapped his neck.

A bolt swished past Stern, grazing his arm. He ran towards the man who had shot him and grabbed him by the throat then he squeezed it so tight that his nails were digging into the man's skin. He squeezed again and pulled out the man's throat. Blood splashed on his face and he smiled as the man fell down to the ground.

Without his sword, Stern took out an organ each from every shooter. Azrael had just watched his animalistic behavior. That was not Stern. That was still Isander.

A bolt headed towards Stern and Azrael quickly deflected it then he stabbed the shooter. Stern quickly drew out his sword and laughed, "I forgot I had carried my sword" he rubbed the blood off his hands, on his red cape.

Azrael pointed his sword at Stern, "Save your filthy excuse...Isander!" he seethed and Stern's grin dropped into one of confusion, then he smirked, "I guess you are not as foolish as I thought" his eyes flashed black then he charged towards Azrael who blocked his strike with his sword.


"So, I was wondering, what are you going to do with Nola? I mean you already have Zemira and she is with your child" Soteria said as he and Cassian walked. "When that comes, I shall know what to do" Cassian said through gritted teeth and Soteria raised his hands in surrender, "Okay".

Cassian was tired of the questions concerning Nola. He did not know the answer! He wanted to know the answer. He was conflicted. He needed them both. Nola was his first love and he was in love with Zemira.

"The old man!" Soteria called out as he pointed. Cassian followed his finger and saw Cato who was already running. Soteria grunted and ran after him.

"I finally got you alone, dear brother" a voice said from the darkness and Cassian took out his sword, "Come out and let me show you how much I missed you" he smirked and wooden stakes flew towards him but he deflected it with one sword movement.

"Come on big brother" Cassian laughed, "Are you ashamed to show me your face, because of what happened last time?" more wooden stakes flew out. This time, Cassian dodged them with his eyes closed.

"Getting overconfident, are we?" Isander chuckled, "You are just predictable, big bro---" Isander's dagger struck flesh. Blood trickled down. Isander smiled.


Azrael's sword went for Stern's head but he ducked and was about to sweep Azrael off the ground, but he somersaulted back.

"This body is not that bad. It is a little weak in arm strength though" Stern said as he rubbed his shoulder, "Which was why I had picked a sword...suitable for the body" he chuckled and Azrael smirked, "I do not wish to know whatever lengths you went to get a body to host your subconsciousness...what I do wish to know is..." he pointed his sword at him, "If I kill you, does Cassian's burden of killing the main body lessen?"

Stern charged towards Azrael, then he heard a slashing of a sword and his forearm fell. Stern shrieked as his blood sprayed around. Azrael chuckled as Stern fell to the ground crying over his fallen arm.

"Now you do not have any reason to complain about lacking arm strength" he looked at him. Isander cursed under his breath.

He was not able to transfer his powers into Stern's worthless body. The bloodlust and fighting skills were present in his body. It was just the powers that were missing. Cato had told him that Stern did not have the same frequency as his body to contain his powers. He just had to make do because he could not look for anymore dead bodies...yes dead bodies.

Azrael crushed down and picked up Stern's arm then he looked at Stern who was still writhing in pain, "I do wonder if the main body lost his forearm too" he said then he threw the arm down.

"Let me see if the main body loses more parts" Azrael said as he held his sword to Stern's other arm. He raised up his sword and was about to bring it down but Stern shouted, "Keep on removing parts of this body...I will not be affected. The subconsciousness in this body will be transferred back to my original body. You will just be killing the son of the duke of Leorda".

Azrael shrugged, "I never liked that lad anyways...also, I heard you have a machine which can bring someone back to life" he grinned sadistically.


"I guess I did get a tad overconfident..." Cassian chuckled, "...but your desire to kill me is stronger" he smirked. Blood dripped from the wound on his palm to the floor.

Isander frowned and was about to drag his dagger out of Cassian's palm but Cassian held his hand and ran his thumb across the bite mark Zemira had given him, "Ooh...I should be careful not to get my love angry" he smirked at Isander.

Isander dragged the dagger out and Cassian slightly flinched. He jumped back and threw the dagger at Cassian who just tilted his head and averted the dagger. "Come on big---" wooden stakes flew at him and he was about to deflect them, but he felt a hand on his arm.

The person turned him around. Bluish-green eyes. "Nola?" Cassian was surprised.