Chapter 7: A Late-Night Visitor

At night the dorm rooms got pretty warm, so there were times that we just slept in underwear and a tank top. Tonight, I had on black underwear and a black tank top. When I came out of the bathroom, I turned off the light. The only light in the room was a dim lamp beside Liz’s bed. She was already on her bed in a pink tank top and yellow underwear—my two least favorite colors.

I climbed onto my bed and faced Liz, who was running a brush through her hair. “Hey, do you know if that assignment for English Lit is due tomorrow? I missed what she said.”

“It’s due Monday. We won’t have English tomorrow. It’s an early release.”

“Oh, that’s right.” I started to move, but her voice stopped me.



“I ran into Zayn tonight. He said you got between Silas and Tanner last night. Apparently, Silas told Zayn that you stuck up for Tanner. Is it true? I mean, I know it’s not my business—”

“It’s kind of true,” I interrupted.

“Oh.” She put her brush down on her nightstand and threw her blanket back.

“Just say it, Liz.” I knew she wanted to pry. She was dying inside to know more. It was in a female’s nature to be nosy. Look at me, for example. I never used to be nosy until I was suddenly dying of curiosity about what went on between Silas and Tanner. I knew there was something more to them that I wasn’t seeing.

Liz sighed. “I know you hate when I pry.”

“I’m giving you permission,” I said and chuckled.

“Do you like Tanner?”

“Oh my god. That’s what you wanted to ask me?”

Liz shrugged and nodded.

“What if I did?” I didn’t but for the sake of asking. . .

“He’s a horrible person. You’re not. I just think you could do a million times better. I mean, do you have any idea some of the horrible things he has done?” She paused, and I opened my mouth, but she waved her hand around. “Wait. Of course, you don’t. You didn’t grow up here. Well, let me tell you. Like, oh my god.”

I threw my palms up toward her to stop her as if she were running at me like a bull. “Wait!”

“What?” Liz looked at me as if she had forgotten I was still there.

“Slow down. I mean, you just spat all that out at me in like five seconds. Let me breathe or think or something.”

Liz smiled. “Oh. Sorry.”

“Okay, let’s rewind. I’m not into Tanner or anyone, for that matter. Okay?”

“Okay?” She tilted her head, confused because I just insinuated that I might have feelings for him, but I only asked for the sake of asking.

“I only asked because I’m trying to understand what it is about Tanner that everyone hates so much. Did Zayn tell you that fight was about Silas accusing Tanner of doing something to his sister?”

Liz put up a finger to stop me. “I heard about that. Zayn told me that Tanner tricked her into bed.”

“So, it was sex?”

Liz nodded. “The thing is, she just turned eighteen. She just got her heart ripped out by some other guy, and then Tanner started chasing after her. Tanner admitted to Silas that he was only after his sister to hurt him. Her name is Charlotte, by the way.”

“Tanner does anything he can to upset Silas. Charlotte had a crush on Tanner for years. Silas begged her not to get involved with him. Now she is so depressed she stopped eating. They had to hospitalize her.”

“Okay, well, as disturbing as that is, Tanner really isn’t the first guy to break a girl’s heart.”

Liz got up and crossed the distance between us. She sat on my bed and stared into my eyes. “It’s more than that, Katrina. He’s bad news. I’ve seen him hit people just for being in his way. He’s always competing with Silas. If Tanner is after you, stay away from him. He’s only onto you because he chases any girl that he thinks Silas might be into.”

“Are you saying Silas is into me?”

“Yes. Well, no. I mean, I don’t really know for sure, but that’s just a pattern I’ve seen.”

“Tanner hurts Silas by hurting people around Silas and—”

Thud. Thud. Thud. My heart jumped out of my chest from the pounding on the door. I threw my hand over my chest to try to push my heart back where it belonged. “Holy shit,” I gasped.

Liz looked at her alarm clock, which read 12:08 AM. “Who the heck would that be at this time of night?”

I jumped up and grabbed a pair of black cotton shorts out of my dresser.

Liz put on her silky pink robe, which was hung up by the closet near the door. She looked back at me to be sure I was dressed or at least more dressed than I was. She opened the door.

“Silas? What are you doing here?”

I came up behind Liz and peeked around her curiously.

Both his hands were on each side of the door frame as if to hold himself up. He looked emotionally wrecked. His black hair was dripping wet. Several droplets of water rolled down his cheeks. It was hard to believe it was the same guy I had seen just two hours ago. “Hey, Liz.”

Liz started to open the door wider to let Silas in. “Why don’t you come in?”

He swallowed hard and looked up at us from under his lashes. His chest rose and fell heavily as if he had been running. “No. No, we have to go. Right now.”

“Why? What’s wrong?” I asked.

Silas looked at me and back to Liz. “Zayn was in an accident.”

Liz dropped like a ton of bricks. Silas threw his hands out to catch her, but I had already caught her in my arms. My mouth hung up as I stared wide-eyed at Silas.

“W-what? What are you saying?” Liz stammered, and her voice cracked on the last word.