Chapter 10: The Party

Liz, Zayn, and I rode in Silas’s GTO to the lake party. At first, I argued that I would ride my bike, but they pointed out that I didn’t know where it was and didn’t know the area. Silas’s car was impressive. The interior was black and silver. Liz and I sat in the back, and the boys sat up front.

Silas lit a cigarette.

“Yuck, could you like roll down the window?” I asked and coughed. My nose wrinkled at the horrid stale metallic smell of cigarette smoke.

Zayn and Silas both chuckled, but thankfully, Silas rolled the window down. It was probably for the best, and I think he knew it because I probably would have reached up and backhanded him if he hadn’t. The fresh cool air cleared the nasty smoke from my lungs and nose. Besides the smell of tobacco, the car’s scent was of leather and Black Ice—a popular car air freshener.

The night sky was clear with a million stars and a full moon. Even though I missed the busy city streets of Salem, I couldn’t deny how beautiful South Dakota was. It was absolutely breathtaking. It was no wonder why my grandmother had such a strong desire to return to her hometown.

“Are you guys going home this weekend?” Liz asked.

“Yeah,” Silas and Zayn answered at the same time.

“I promised to help supervise my brother’s birthday party,” Silas added. He looked into his rearview mirror, staring straight at me.

“Awesome wiping boogers all weekend,” Zayn said.

Silas’s gaze fell from mine, and he swatted Zayn on the back of the head. “Keep your sh*t up, and you will come to help me wipe them boogers.”

The way Silas said it was as if he had complete control over Zayn, which I found to be unusual, but I couldn’t stop from laughing with Liz.

Silas got the closest parking spot he could to the lake. The boys got out and flipped the seats forward to let us out of the back. Silas put his hand out to help me out of the car. I stared at his hand for a moment. My first instinct was to question his intentions because when I first met him, he was a d*ckhead like most men. Now, here we are, and he’s being all nicey-nice?

I placed my hand in his and thanked God that he couldn’t see my expression at that moment because the sheer euphoric feeling I got when his hand fit perfectly with mine sent a shiver down my spine. He helped me out of the car, but my foot got caught in his seatbelt, and I fell into him.

“F*ck,” he said. He caught me before I could hit the ground. I felt absolutely ridiculous that my feet betrayed me. Of course, I knew I wasn’t the most graceful person.

“Sorry,” I mumbled. I gazed up into his eyes which were dancing with humor. I rolled my eyes and straightened up.

“You’re a bit clumsy, aren’t you?” he said.

“I rather refer to it as a bit unlucky,” I said.

He mashed his lips together to try to contain his laughter, but he combusted. His entire frame shook with laughter.

“Wow. Glad I can amuse you. Jerk,” I muttered and shoved past him.

Liz and Zayn laughed at Silas and me, but they walked off, and Silas stopped me before I could follow them.

He spun me to face him. “Wait. I wanted to apologize.”

My eyes narrowed into slits. “For what? Laughing at my clumsiness? I think I’ll survive.” I started to turn away from him again, but his hand caught my arm. He really needs to stop touching me. Something in the way he touched me made my body tingle, and I wasn’t sure if it was my body’s way of warning me that he was dangerous or attractive. Perhaps, it was both.

“No. Well, I’m sorry for laughing too, but you should have seen your face,” he said, letting out another chuck at my expense.

I sighed. “What the hell are you talking about? Can you just get on with it?”

He bit down on his lip and grimaced. “You’re not going to make this easy, are you?”

“I usually don’t,” I said.

“I’m trying to apologize for being an a*s to you. We got off on the wrong foot, and I know that it’s my fault. Things with Tanner have only made it worse. Tanner has this thing about trying to paint me as the bad guy. I’m not perfect, but between him and me, I’m not the bad guy.”

“Let’s just let bygones be bygones, okay?”

He nodded.

Silas led the way to the party.

Liz ran up to me and stole me away from Silas. Silas stared at us as we retreated. Liz decided to introduce me to a few of her friends that attended school and also were from Deadwood. Ashley, Mindy, and Kayla were their names. Liz also introduced me to the two other guys that I had seen with Zayn and Silas before—Adriel and Dakota.

“So, where is Silas?” Adriel asked.

“Oh, um, he’s—” I looked around where we had left Silas, but he wasn’t there. “Well, he was up there.” I gestured in the direction we had left him.

Adriel grimaced.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“He and Tanner have been going at it pretty hard lately. I just hope he didn’t go looking for him,” Adriel said and shrugged.

Dakota rolled his eyes. “Like Silas can’t take care of himself.”

“That’s not what I was getting at,” Adriel said.

“Look, relax, guys,” I said and laughed. “I’ll go find him. I’m sure he just went to get a drink or something.” I wasn’t entirely convinced that Silas was staying out of trouble which is why I decided to look around for him. It wouldn’t be the first time I got between Silas and Tanner, and I was drawn to the two for whatever reason.

There were a lot of college kids at this party. It was in the seventies, warm enough to swim, and some of them were. There was alcohol, of course. A lot of these college kids were twenty-one. It was a big party spot.

I asked a few people if they saw Silas, and a couple of them pointed in the direction of the trees, which wasn’t surprising. Woods surrounded the lake. I stepped through the trees, keeping my senses wide open and listening for any unusual sounds.

Finally, I heard him, and he wasn’t alone. I knew I couldn’t have been far from them.

“You think you’re so f*cking tough?” Silas shouted.

“Stronger than you,” Tanner fired back.

“Yeah, well, shift, and let’s find out, tough guy,” Silas growled.

Seconds later, I stepped through the trees. I stopped in shock and jumped back behind a tree. I peeked around the tree and saw Tanner with a huge black wolf standing in front of him. The black wolf sniffed, and his head moved to the exact location where I stood. Tanner followed the wolf’s line of sight.

“Come out!” Tanner demanded.

I stepped into their line of view. I guess I’m not the only one with secrets—I thought.

Tanner started for me. “You made a huge mistake following us, little girl.”