Chapter 23: Unlikely Source

Silas never reached out to me, and I wasn’t going to wait in my dorm for him. I had a feeling he would avoid me until the fight was over. I tried calling and texting him to figure out what was happening. Of course, I hoped his brother was okay. However, I had an aching feeling that Silas would check on his brother and then go straight to Tanner.

“You’re going to wear out the floor if you don’t quit pacing,” Liz said.

The only thing I could tell her was that Tanner challenged Silas to a fight because of me. I told Liz I didn’t know or understand anything else. “I can’t just sit here.”

“Well, walking back and forth isn’t sitting,” she teased.

I stopped and sighed.

Liz stood up and crossed the room. “Hey, Silas can take care of himself. I mean, he has for years. Tanner always tries to get the best of Silas, and Silas always comes out on top. Believe me when I say you’re worrying about nothing.”