Chapter 39: Love and Shame

Silas looked completely taken aback by my accusation, and just by the look on his face, I knew it wasn’t him doing it. “What the hell are you. . .” he trailed off as his eyes swept across the page. He snatched it from my hand.

“Hey, give that back!” I reached for the page, but he held it out of my reach.

“Would you just come in here,” he said. He grabbed my arm with his free hand and pulled me into the dorm. He shut the door behind me with more force than necessary, but he seemed genuinely agitated.

“Look, I don’t need to be here. You answered my question. I believe you. It’s all I needed to know, so if you’ll give me my paper,” I said as I reached for it again. Another failed attempt on my part, as he easily kept it out of my reach.

“You can’t just f*cking show up here making wild accusations and then expect me to just let you leave, so how about you shut the hell up for five minutes so I can read it,” he said.