Chapter 42: Addictive

Part of me was weary about staying in the cottage that night. I considered reaching out to Silas but bit back. I wasn’t sure what would become of us. Liz took the guest room, and I took my room. She and I finished everything that I wanted to get done. I moved most of the crucial things to the basement and locked it all up in a safe. After the break-in, it seemed like the right thing to do.

I lay in bed awake and stared at the ceiling. Things in Deadwood seemed far more complicated than they ever needed to be, all because I got mixed in with Silas. I knew falling for a boy was bad news, but I did it anyway. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

After everything that happened, I just couldn’t see us bouncing back the way he seemed to think we would. I had more than enough money to completely start over. I could do that, but the other part of me was screaming it was cowardice to run from my problems. Even if I left Deadwood, it didn’t guarantee my safety.