Chapter 45: Halloween Party

Zayn took Liz aside before the party and showed her what he was. She was in more disbelief about shifters than witches. She wanted to know if there were more things that were real. I told her I believed the world was full of things even I didn’t know existed.

It didn’t matter what Zayn was; Liz still loved him and understood why he didn’t tell her right away.

Before we entered the mansion, Silas pulled me into him. “Wait,” he said.

“Did you change your mind?”

“No, nothing like that. I just. . .I want you to know that no matter how my mother acts, what she thinks about us doesn’t mean anything. If she sticks around, which I’m not so sure she will, I think she will like you. She has to get past what happened and give you a chance.”

“Silas, people are never going to make sense of our relationship. I’m not so sure we even have been able to do that. Shifters and witches don’t usually get along, according to our ancestors.”