Total jerk...

Just like elder Lin was done with his paperwork, Feng was also done with his work too. So, he wanted to go catch up with his girlfriend. Who must have been done with her choice?

"Elder Lin, I forgot about the payment, after all, I am not sure after this work is done. I will have ownership of the hotel or not, so I will try to pay within the time period."

Feng wanted to make sure that, there should be no future problems with the apartment. Hence he asked the person, who had arranged the room for him.

"What are you saying, I am giving you that apartment as a gift from my side. Obviously, I will not ask it back from you or your girlfriend." Old Lin was good in wording, he indirectly gifted this apartment as a gift not just to him but to Lan too.

"Then I must thank you for that." Feng did not talk much as he walked out. Where the person who had been silently standing beside Old Lin for all that time, walked and pour some tea to him while asking. "Is he really worth it, after all, gifting that apartment just like that is something many from your opposition will question."

The maid's words did not entice Old Lin to reply. As he continued to take a sip of the tea with a calm smile, after all, he who has seen many dead bodies on the battlefield.

Was able to tell, Feng was not a normal character in the city, even just by his intention. He was able to pressure him, without any intention of harming him.

'That boy is a master of martial art, I do not about. With this age, if he makes a breakthrough inside internal art, he will become one of the leading figures in our circle.'

Old Lin's mind was in complex emotion, but his thought process was extremely clear.

He was able to see that Feng's future would be different from that of his and others, that is why, even if Feng did not help him, right at this moment.

'He is the person, I should befriend for the future sake.'

"Nice tea, little one I will be going back, and if there is a problem contact him. He had put down his number there on the table, go and save it for future reference." Old Lin smiled with ease and a relieved smile, that he had never shown in front of others.

"Oh! Old men can also smile like this. Huh." Maid muttered. Having said that, she took down the number and looked at it, with a questioning look on her face.

But she was asked to listen to him, so she could say nothing about it and just followed what she was asked for.

"What is Lan and Old man Lin fond of in that guy... I cannot make head or tail about their thoughts."

Feng finally found the room, in the hotel where Lan was settling down. But not having the key, and forgetting to call her to open the door.

He tried to open the door but found his door nob closed and the voices of two-person talking inside.

"Is she talking with herself, that is totally insane Ya! Know." Feng muttered with a laugh, as he knocked on the door and found total silence waiting for him.

"Who?" Lan spoke, at which Feng laughed and spoke out.

"It is just the first date and I am being locked out by my lady like this, Huh," Feng muttered loudly, making Lan who was standing just at the door side and turned to look at her sister.

Who was changing her clothes, so gestured to move to the other side room.

"Hmm! I'll go then, keep him in the main two rooms, please don't let him come inside the other. We three will try to not make any noise alright." Whispering inside Lan's ear, Hua rushed inside the other room.

Where she found Bao, Bi, and Hai Rong shutting each other mouths. Given a moment ago, when the door knocked. All of them almost replied, but Hai Rong was quick-witted and shut their mouth in time.

"Good work Rong! We were almost busted today, but we need to hide given Lan will do her best for sure, still, they might come to see this room at last."

"We can move out when they enter another room. We all can use this time to walk out of the apartment, after which, we can come back to settle our clothes in 2nd room after they are gone for dinner."

"Good idea!"

"Yeah! let's follow that, I hope that idiot will not notice us for today."

"Hmm! But I do not always want to run away from him, I want to tell him about us too. Though! The thought of falling apart after this is too frightening for me."

It was Bao, who was the first to show her doubts, but she did not know that her words would lead to many things, that she could not have imagined.

"What are you thinking idiot girl, you know that all of us want to do the same. But for now, I don't think this is the best time at all... We will do it sooner, I can promise you that." Li Bi walked toward Li Bao and hugged her.

Both Li Bi and Li Bao were the closest to each other among the five, where Li Lan was an elder sister-like figure, and Rong along with Hua always argue with each other. But both of them were closest to each other, than anyone in this group.

"See! You made her sad again." Hua looked at Rong and muttered, where Rong's eyes twitched, and shook her head.

"Let's hide first idiots, we need to go inside first." Hua and Rong walked inside the closet, where Li Bi and Li Bao hid beneath the bed as little children do.

Although! That was really the best place to hide inside too, but it could not hide all four of them.

So, Rong and Hua took the other place.

"Finally! letting me in, Huh. Did I do something wrong to make you angry my princess?" Feng who was finally allowed to enter first looked at Lan, walking toward the coach, as she felt a little tired after rushing everything around.

"Hmph! Who knows, that you were taking so much time on the lower floor to meet another girl beside me, for all this time." Li Bao who was hiding when heard, Lan's words started to sweat, as she remember how she forgot about Feng's case.

Although! At this moment, she could only count on Lan's wits.

When she remembered something and called Lan, after all, they had saved each other name as friends from college.

Feng was about to retaliate back when he heard her phone ring. At which, he shook his head and drop the topic while saying.

"You can pick it up, I'll take bath after which, I had something to do so let's catch up at dinner."

Feng unconsciously walked toward the other room, as he recall that he had been ordered to put his clothes in the second room, which was prepared by the staff.

Lan did not know about it, but when she found Feng moving toward that room, she cut his phone and hugged him from the back.

"Wait! You are already running away, did you forget that I said about the reward being postponed till we have our apartment."

Feng turned to look at Lan, who was smiling mischievously at him, and sealed his lips. With bright red lips and a blooming face. Feng felt his adrenaline rushing inside his head, and his breathing started to ragged a little, as he hugged back her slender waist and kiss her lips more deeply.

"Huu! Wait for a moment." Taking a deep breath, Feng and Lan looked at each other rugged breathing. Smiled at their own lack of experience when it comes to kissing. "Let's try something like this more, or else we would feel like an idiot for dating for around a whole year." Lan kissed a little on his lips and walked back. Feng smiled and nodded, as he also sat beside her on the sofa at the side of the wall, and let her put her head on his shoulder.

"I am hungry, let's go out and have some food." Lan pouted, as she asked Feng to let her sister take advantage of it and arrange everything. While Feng who was about to nod received another quest from the system.

[_Quest_] ↦ [_Sub-Quest_] ↦ [Find the secret Lan is hiding from the host.]

[Quest Clue ↦ Second Room.]

It was the first time, that a doubt sprouted inside his mind. But he shook his head, after all, there was no reason for Lan to do something like that. Also, having a secret does not mean, being bad things at all times.

"Okay! Let's go..." Silently dropping his phone on the side, Feng walked out with Lan on his side and asked her. "Oh Yeah! Lan will you give me the room card, after eating the food I might need to go out for work. So, I will be late and you can go and decorate our apartment for the time being."

Taking out the card, Lan give it to him and smiled. "Sorry! I totally forgot about it." Taking the card Feng nodded as he smell the card and spoke. "It smells like you beauty..."

Lan blushed as she turned her, looking at the chuckling waiter, she muttered. "Total Jerk."