Quintuplets and Strengthening.

Lan came back to the apartment and opened the door with the entry card and entered to find the whole room silent and quiet which was quite unusual for her sister's case.

Walking inside toward the sitting room, she found Bao who was eating the choco bar and none of her other sisters could be found around her.

"Bao'er what are you doing, still angry about sister Rong's words..." Lan smiled and walked to Bao'er side and patted her head, where Bao turned to look at Lan with a little pity, as she pointed toward the 2nd room door.

Then a hand suddenly appeared behind her and pulled Lan down to lie on the sofa with the full weight of her pushing Lan down.

Lan was taken aback, but when she found Hua who was the one behind all of it, she sighed a little before looking at her sister's face, with a poker face on.

"Sister Hua, what are you doing if not trying to appease Hai Rong right now, you even gave me a shock just now," Lan spoke as she notice Hai Rong coming out from her hiding and smiled evilly at her.

"Sorry sister Lan, but we are just getting back what is rightfully ours too." Binger also appeared beside Lan, as she smiled with a dull gaze in her eyes, as if she was brainwashed by someone to do this.

Looking at all three of them, Lan did not have a good feeling about it and smiled.

"Rong! What are you trying to do, this is one of your plans, right... First of all, let go of me and we will have a proper talk about it." Lan was already like an encyclopedia when it come to her sisters and their characteristics.

Knew! that something like this could only be planned by Rong who was the most scheming among them.

"What? We are just getting back, the right of the kiss which should be ours too. Given! Today was Bao'er week and you still got to kiss him, which is violating the rule of our group."

Seeing the mischievous smile on Rong's face, Lan's face turned pale. As she knew that, something which is about to happen is not good and turned to look at Bao'er for help. Who was just looking around like nothing is happening around her...

"Bao'er please help me and hold back Binger, I will help you out with one thing." Li Bao's eyes shone, as she looked at Rong who was evilly smiling at her, but if Binger return to her side, and worked with Lan, she knew that they will hold the majority.

Lan sighed! When the door of the apartment opened and Feng who appeared at the door looked at Quadragangers who were pushing his girlfriend down.

Although! each of them looked the same but given the dress alone, he was able to tell, that it was his girlfriend who was being pushed down by other girls. Even though all of them looked way too similar with similar assets.

'Wait Quadragangers.'

'No, there are five Lan here, and one of them is my girlfriend. Given the clothes she was wearing when having food with me, it is the girl who is being pushed down by another one.'

Feng had many thoughts at that moment, but most importantly. He wanted to save his girlfriend from getting tainted by other girls, who just looked exactly like his girlfriend.

"I say, ladies! If you have any misunderstanding, can you let my girlfriend go? She is a very cute and innocent type and did not need to have a punishment from Quadraganger like this."

"Also, although I do not question people's taste, I am sure there are many girls down who would prefer fel..."

Feng who was about to complete his sentence was slammed with the pillow, and other girls started to blush while looking at him.

"Speak one more word, and we will kill you first and then commit suicide later ourselves. Also, we are also straight, we were just playing tricks on our sister Lan."

Feng felt relieved, after hearing that they were straight.

With that, he could tell that his girlfriend's purity will be saved, but at that moment a system notification rang. "The document sign has been stored. Initializing the reward set-up."

[Initial Strengthening... Will commence soon, please be prepared.]

Taking the pillow from his face, he found a drip of blood on it, as his nose started to bleed. Lan and the other girls when saw it happening were stunned. As all of them rushed toward Feng with the same concern and worries.

"Feng'er..." All five of them said the same with the same expression and voice, making Feng whose consciousness was starting to dissolve, murmur her name as he closed his eyes.


That was all he was able to murmur before his consciousness went out.

"Ding congratulation on figuring out the identity of Quintuplets. The side quest has been completed and the reward will be sent to your apartment soon."

[Qintuplets identity is found. You will be rewarded with five different rewards.]

[Shop-Option in the System has been opened.]

[One thousand Shop points have been awarded.]

[Random Profession Slip has been awarded.]

[One experience slip has been awarded.]

[Mclaren P1 document will be placed inside the car, which will be parked at the building's Underground Garage in few days.]

'Hmm! I can think, but why can't I feel my body yet? Is it still under the process of strengthening or what...' Feng who was able to see the reward smiled, as he never thought, that he would be sent into this coma-like state while strengthening...

Not to say! Getting knocked like this when gets strengthened is wrong, after all, this kind of setup will definitely get him killed if he were to be driving at the moment.

"Answering Host. This step was chosen by the system to help the host, to identify and help him complete the quest of quintuplets. After all, given the host IQ, it would have taken a whole year before he could have figured out something, as simple as this."

Feng was shut down by System call, as he still have a hard time thinking that Lan has four more sisters and the way they all call him before he passed out. He got the feeling that he has been dating them all for some time, after all, they all feel so familiar to him.

'Then who is the real Lan among them, who is the girl I had been dating for real all this time...' Feng could not help but think about it like this, after all, this question was something that might change his life.

So, he made up his mind to ask Lan to clear it all about it. As he did not want to get left inside the darkness about them, for the rest of his life with her.

In the meantime, a slight smile appeared when he thought how they rushed at him, with such care when seeing him bleed a little from the nose. He definitely felt the warmth, within those eyes as they held him and prevented him from falling down like that.

"Feng! Wake-up..."

"Hey! Is he awake or not, was the shock that high..."

"Feng we are sorry, please wake up now, don't scare us like this. Also, girls put him in the tub his body is changing or something."

"Hey! I looked at it, and I think it is related to evolution into body tempering kind of martial art, he must have a breakthrough or something today."

"Will he be alright, with that breakthrough or something?"

"Of course, on the other hand, it is a very rare and very excellent thing if Fenger is a martial artist. Given! After this, his body metabolism and all the status will be upgraded."

"Then, I will go and cook, we cannot let him starve after the evolution or breakthrough, that you had talked about."

"He is this good without using any high-grade protein and herbal gelatin. Then how much talent he can show while using that gelatin? I will get more of it for him."

"You are worried about something like that, right now..."

"Of course, I am happy that my boyfriend is talented, and with that our father will also not pester any of us to marry him."

"Feng!" Feng Lin opened his eyes, as he tried to move his fist first and found it working properly although there was a little numbness that was left after strengthening.

"Lan, I am sorry, it all came down suddenly, I did not want to scare you like this. But I am releasing body impurities, so could you go out and let me have a bath."

There was a stinking order coming from his body, so he did not wish to trouble his girl anymore and asked her to go out with a smile.

"No, it's alright, we do not mind your stink. But we are more worried if you fall unconscious like that again. So, let us help you out." Lan, Binger, and Rong spoke at the same time and the same words, as they scrub his hand, back, and legs.

Feng who was on the receiving end felt happy, but also worried looking at all three of them, he was worried that he might not be able to tell who was his girlfriend in such a state.

"So, which one of you is my Lan-Lan... Don't get me wrong on this, but why do I get the feeling that, I had dated all three of you before..." Hearing Feng's words, all three of them smiled and laughed joyfully, given they felt happy that he remember the feeling of dating them all.

Given! They were worried that he would think, that others were just trying to copy the girl he loves.

"Can we talk after the bath, and don't worry. We will tell you everything straight and the truth without any lies or deception. But I hope after hearing it, you will not abandon your Lan."

Hearing her words, Feng blushed as he nodded, given he had never given a thought of leaving Lan behind and walking away from her.

After all, to him, she was the core member of his life along with his mother and sister.

'Also, the fact that we all love you.' Holding back these words, Rong felt a little sad, given each time she dated him and whenever he called her Lan. She use to feel pained by those words, somewhere deep within her heart.

No! She believes that everyone among the sister except Lan felt the same. This also might be the reason, why sister Lan always helps them out fixing dates, even in her weeks. Making all of them depend on Lan like the older sisters within the group.

Even before, they were trying to just play a prank on Lan's sister and kiss her cheeks. But the stupid boyfriend of theirs had to come in the nick of time like a hero. To save the beauty from another beauty that was totally unromantic.

"Now take the shower, for that we will go out and wait. Also, one of the sisters has already picked up the new dress and undergarments for you. So, come out after getting changed and if you feel any problem, just shout we will waiting just outside the door."

Feng blushed when he heard about undergarments, and also about how they are waiting outside like a kid bathing time.