Li Hai Rong entry...

He left!

With that, total silence descended inside the room.

All the girls just sat in their place like a hold-up ostrich who is about to give birth. Not willing to leave their site even for a second.

"Umm! So, what will be your calls, I hope that we can work together again." Lan was the first one to speak, as she stood up and walked toward the kitchen, given after all that she was feeling very hungry.

Although, at that moment no other sisters were in the mood to eat with her. Except! "I am also coming with you sister Lan."

Bao'er stood up, even though she had eaten all that choco, she felt hungry. Not to say after she was saved today by Feng.

She had already made up her mind, to be with him to a stronger degree.

Li Bi looked at Li Bao and felt a little abandoned, though looking at Bao'er determined figure, she clutched her hand and made up her mind too.

"Guys! Even Bao'er had made up her mind, not to say that it is still that silly Feng, we all knew, except for some new changes."

Li Bi turned to look at Hua and Rong.

Given! She did not want to abandon them, for such a complicated feeling alone, and knew that it was the best time, for all of them to be together.

"Yeah! She is right..." Rong stood up and held Hua's hand while dragging her along with her, after all, it was only them who had not made up their mind.

So, she knew that only she can take action at a time like this, given that's what her sister's nature is like.

"Welcome!" When all three of them enter the kitchen door, they found Lan and Bao waiting for them with some heated food on the tab.

"Hungry!" Lan spoke looking at the trio as if she had been waiting for them with certainty in her mind.

"You knew right, that we would follow as long as you would have said something to us. Then why did not you make any comment on that."

Rong looked at Lan's smile and asked. At this, Lan who was sitting at the bar commented, " I wanted for all of us, to make their decision so that no one would blame each other in the future. After all, today we all made our own decision to be here, so there is nothing we can now blame on others."

"That made sense," Li Bi, Li Hua, and Li Hai Rong all agreed at Lan's words, as they took whatever they liked and started to eat.

And with that, the long decision which they all decided to make came to an end.

Feng Lin, who first walked out of the hotel, hailed a taxi to the railways.

Where he would meet with fatty Duan and his gang.


He was also planning to go and greet the university teacher, that was about to come and join a committee at the nearby station reception hall, which was booked by the university major staff.

"The university major committee will be held in a few minutes, where fatty will be here in around an hour or two."

Feng came out of the cab and found the committee meeting place, which was two crossroads beyond the cross path that he came to a stop.

'This is really a grand hotel.' When Feng looked at the site, he was a little stunned, but he still was able to keep his calm.

After all, at this moment, he was not only just a student but also a shareholder of the Royal Club.

Hence! He has to need to have a decorum that suits someone of that profession.

Taking a deep breath in. He walked inside the hotel when a professor walked out and saw him. With that, a smile bloomed over the old man's face, as he walked toward Feng.

Feng Lin was a brilliant student inside the old man's impression, along with the brilliant achievement that the boy had shown him.

Professor Mora thought how perfect Feng Lin's timing was as he was in need of someone capable like him.

"Feng Boy comes here, I need you to stay by my side and help me with something. As long as this meeting goes successful, I will reward you handsomely." Feng was stunned for a moment, but he was very quick to gather his wits and nodded to accept the professor's proposition.

"Good boy, let's go. And inside the venue, you do not need to be afraid of anyone. You are my substitute, and whoever tries to say something, just ignore them for the time being." Hearing old professors' words, Feng just listened to them silently and accepted them from time to time.

Although! His action was making professor glad, that he selected Feng to present him inside the avenue.

When they reached the corridor, several students with different personalities and attitudes were talking with each other.

And at the sight of the professor, all of them turned silent, until the professor entered and looked back at Feng. Who just stopped at the gate with a smile, and closed the door.

Although his action was short, he performed his best in front of the professor. When Feng found two people who were working with him, on some project as they came to greet him.

"Hello, Feng Lin! It has been some time since I had not seen you on any working expedition."

"Haha! I am sorry about that, but recently there are many things that were going on, so I had taken some time for free and was working in Professor Math's workshop though."

Hearing professor Math's senior ended up laughing as all of them joked around when Feng found a nuisance coming toward him.

"Oh! Isn't this Poor Feng, who leeches on his girlfriend money for the date." His voice was quite loud, at which, all the other students who were standing in the assembly looked at the boy and then looked toward Feng.

Feng who has gone through the marrow washing was looking brilliant, which was another reason why all the girls were so docile like that. As they also felt, that Feng's current skin was much fairer than theirs.

"He means, that the boy there is leecher or candy boy. No wonder his skin is so fair like that of a girl."

Other boys who were jealous of the attention that Feng had gathered due to the professor and his great look, finally found an outlet to speak their heartfelt anger.

"Oh! Isn't that Student Hao? As expected of the guy who can eat shit, still farting whenever opening his mouth. Or is it that morning punch was not enough." Looking at Feng's angered look, Hao Churan stepped back. As for others who were watching.

They could easily tell, that the guy name Hao have taken a good beating this morning. After all, one of his teeth from the front was vacant, which might be the result of a punch into the face.

They could not even imagine, what kind of punch can break the teeth of a healthy person. "So, shut up sissy, and go back to your mother's side silently."

After the ordeal was over.

Feng and the other two from the same college were laughing at Hao Churan, who was hiding by the side of the window.

While looking at them from time to time, although! The sight of him was very comical, none of the others were trying to hold their laughter.

As he could see, the shaking shoulder of others, Hao Churan found that his day here was really bad today.

Where all of the problems started, with an encounter with a single guy. When Feng noticed, a girl who had gathered the attention of the others in a matter of a second.

Dressed in a beautiful top, along with a mini skirt with professional attire walked along the same entrance he had walked through.

A minute ago, she was wearing a loose pajama night dress, in the next minute she was out here like a goddess of all males. Traces of jealousy, envy, and lust was gathered upon her figure.

But the eye of that goddess was glued on Feng, where Rong chuckled at the sight of him.

"Guess who?" She smiled at Feng and hugged his arm with a smile, at which, Feng smiled at the jealousy which was directed at him.

"So, you have decided my beautiful Rong."

His tickling voice made her laugh, as she let go of his hand and showed him a brilliant smile, and walked inside through the central door.

"We will meet inside right..." Leaving Feng with the trialing words, she reveals a professional business expression on her face.

After all, inside this room there will be no favoritism, given the company is going to her in the next 5 days.

So, it was something of utmost responsibility.

Whereas Feng also expects the same treatment, because he wanna prove that, he is not the guy who would always depends on his system or most of all, not on his girl either.

Hao Churan was almost burnt to a crisp by the jealousy, as he stared at Feng back while thinking about how and why Lan was doing inside this assembly.

He did not know that Lan's family was so rich and by the looks of it, Feng was going to get an advantage due to this favorable encounter with Lan.

"Heh! See hiding behind the girl, to get the pass to this assembly too." He wanted to tarnish Feng's reputation as much as he want so that in the future, he would not get many offers of higher value.

But, what he did not notice is that everyone else expression around him has changed significantly...