Beach group...

It was a weird feeling.

Watching all the strong, tall, and bulky guys following a thin boy who was in his teen having a body that of an athlete.

His gaze would turn those following turn silent, as they all would back up every time that he stop and turn back to look at them.

'What the hell! They are really afraid of me to this degree.' He thought and could only sigh, after all, this was also not bad.

But he had a feeling that he can count on fatty in a time like this and wait for him, to resolve the matter quickly until they reach the beachside.

Sitting inside the car, Feng looked out and called fatty Duan. At this, Duan came rushing as he sat inside in the back seat, along with the main leader of the mercenaries gang.

"So, now that we are leaving, fatty Du explain to him about all the matter, so that he would not create much trouble for me."

To rule a bunch of ruffians like them, he needs to always act cool and sharp, to the point threatening would be fine.

Where fatty Du would use this impression, to develop a close bond of friendship with the mercenaries gang leader.

This kind of tactic was something related to Good police and Bad police, although old but was effective as long as the Bad one had a total impression on the target's mind.

"It is fine, I will be there to help without any question, after all, Brother Duan is someone we are indebted to. We are not scum, who would leave him alone in times of need."

Feng had a smile, although it was a waste that the mercenary leader did not see it, realizing the fact that Feng was not that good of an actor when it comes to acting the Bad guy role.

Fatty Duan was well aware of what he needed to do, to rope them and their team within them.

As long as they show them, the prospect of developing in this city, along with them.

Duan was sure that, he would be able to rope around all of the mercenaries working with them.

After all, the fact that Feng was a master, who would be kind enough, to guide them.

They had already developed a powerful attraction for those who had a slight will of becoming stronger, along with money and the prospect of the big city.

Duan believe that there was a single soul, which would not like to join their group.

Duan had also asked Feng before, to show some true strength of his.

Given! He was the cornerstone of his every plan, and as long as Feng could stand tall and more powerful.

Their's foundation will be really the best, he could have hoped for all this time.

At that stand, Feng agreed quickly as he was planning to do it alone at the first, but he realized that he had a lot of things to support.

So, he was planning for a stable footing in this world and planned ahead of everything, the things he was good at for all this time.

"So, do you have any doubts that you want to clear... After all, I am not a patient person, I will wait for a minute for your answer. As long as you join us. You will get the most out of it, but even if you did not join we will cut out our connection and you guys will be free."

Walking out of the car, Feng put his chin on the side door and looked at the captain.

His voice was loud enough, that everyone behind who was getting out of the van heard them clearly, as they all looked at their captain for what they were talking about.

"Okay! It will only take a minute..." Captain spoke, as he shouted at others for an answer, and listening to their captain none of them had any complaints.

On the other hand, they were even smiling and were happy about their captain's wise decision.

'Successful Brainwashing.' Looking at others cheering, Feng smiled.

As this was one of the things that he had been planning, where Fatty Duan who came out of the car, had a newly found respect for Feng.

Now that! This was over and the team was assembled.

Feng Lin turned to look at the beach in front of them, and to the southwest direction of the beachside.

One would be able to see a mass of idiots hanging together, within which Feng Lin found a similar figure of the Hao family.

"This waste of lump can do actual work, Huh. Or else, his family is already fed up with him, and is throwing him here to get killed by some enemy."

"Guess! That also works, Huh!" Feng Lin walked and call the others to follow when the other side also saw them coming and were ready will bats and rods, fully equipped like a group of idiots that are ready to kill or get killed.

"Fuck! They are just high school brats, brother Feng..." Duan looked pissed, as he looked at the group assembled at the front.

Behind them were some guys of proper age, to join some gang smoking and drinking like there was no tomorrow.

"Oi! Brats, get rid of them quickly if you can, or else, forgot about getting food for tonight." One of them became impatient and shouted at them.

The students were scared, but not all of them were scared, as they rushed at Feng.

Who just sidestepped and knocked the guy's neck with a chop making him faint in a second.

Fast-changing feet and variable speed, Feng's attack hit the nails as he sent the bunch of high schoolers to sleep with single chops.

This finally gather the attention of those sitting behind, as they all stood up with serious faces and took out guns from their back.

"Brat! I can see that you are a trainer and a powerful one at that. But this thing in my hand is a gun, it can shoot several new holes in your body in a matter of a second."

This was the first time, that Feng used his full speed to dash.

His body was really fast, given in a matter of few seconds, he had crossed 3 meters length and had kicked the guy flying.

Looking at the gun in his hand, Feng turned off the safety as he looked at others who were about to touch their guns.

But with the muzzle aiming at them, and Feng's fast speed, they knew that there was nothing they can do right now.

And still, if that was not enough, they found themself surrounded by mercenaries that appeared beside them without letting them notice.

"What shall we do..." One of the mercenaries asked Feng, who had sat down and picked up all the guns in the surroundings to be sure and store them inside the spatial bag of the system.

But those, who were staring at Feng, turned silent and cold sweat started to seep out of them, as they realized the fact that Feng had used some sort of magical ability.

After all, something like this was nothing short of amazing and they had never seen a person like him.

"Brother Feng! What the hell, you can use the magic too." Fatty Duan was thrilled, as he felt like he was thrown into a world of dreams.

"Fatty deal with them." Feng cooly said to Duan, as he head back toward the car. As he planned to go and sit inside to see, what his system has given him as a prize.

Though he knew about the prize that he would receive by completing the quest.

Still, depending on the result the prize percentage was randomized.


[_Second Request, Resolve the problem of the vicinity crisis due to overpopulation of the gangster._]


[_Reward: 20% shares if Royal Club House Street in the city + 100 Proficiency points._]

Completing the quest came as a piece of happy news for Feng, as he also got 20% shares of the whole Club in the city, due to which, he received a call from elder Lin. Although! They still need to wait till tomorrow to clarify the situation.

So, at the moment Feng was thinking of going back to the hotel and preparing some food for the princess that would be arriving sooner or later.

Also, he would also like to check out the function of the system, although there was nothing but a quest log in the system and a reward slot.

So, he was thinking of reading some books to keep him up.

He still remembers there were several novels that he had that he wanted to read for some time.