Wen Tian...

There was an awkward silence inside the car.

Feng did not know how, but this atmosphere was created naturally around him. As the sound of the wind howling beside the car, which was speeding toward a hotel, Li Bao wanted to go to eat the special edition dish for today.

The special cheesecake was something that was baked once every month, and the cheese used to make it was imported from outside the country.

'This is really awkward. But why? It is so silent suddenly.' Feng looked at his side, Lan was looking outside with a silent expression on her face.

"Lan! Is this the first time that you have tried that cake, or do you use to come with Bao'er here?" Feng thought about this stupid idea, but there was nothing else, he could think of for the moment.

So, he could only resort to this stupid topic he could think of.

"Ah! No this is also my first time. Before this, we did come to eat here once in a while, but we gave all of them to Bao. She really enjoys eating that specific cake, a lot." Lan finally started to speak to him.

Where Feng realized, that Bao'er was asleep in the back seat.

Which finally explained why there was such a sudden silence before.

'So that was the reason, Huh.' Feng felt a little relieved as he drove the car, where Lan was back thinking about something, and this time Feng did not try to disturb her.

So, that she could freely think about her work. While he could open his system and check about the quest from before, and see if he had completed it or not.

[Quest] ↦ [Sub-Quest] ↦ [Help! When someone needs help. A true gentleman is one who would act selfishly and try to solve, the problem for those who are in need of it.] (Completed.)

[Reward: Perfected Medical Knowledge + 50 million RMD.] (Accumulate: Yes/No.)

Since gaining information can take a toll on the mind. The system was waiting for his response with another feature option of Accumulate. But after his training in Hidden Boxing is almost accumulated, Feng knew that he can easily take this much amount of data.

Still, to be perfectly safe about it. Feng determined to be patient about it and wait till they get inside the hotel, where he can accumulate knowledge related to Perfect Medical Knowledge from the system.

After all, he did promise Lan at that moment. That he would take precautions, to things related to stuff like this.

So, he did not want to worry her now. When having a headache in a situation like this, he might end up in an accident, if the backlash ends up being strong.

"Feng! Focus on the road idiot..." Lan woke him up, Feng came back to sense and started to drive a little seriously.

As he thanked Lan for waking him up, at which, she just shook her head looking at him dazing off like that was a pretty rare sight to them.

"It was Bao'er who noticed both of us, but what happened to you today... Is something wrong today, I had never seen you doze off like that..."

"Yeah! I was thinking about something, which happened recently. But the problem is not that big, so you do not have to worry." Feng recalled the reward.

"Although! I am pretty hungry, so let's hurry up." Then he changed his topic and started to drive faster toward the hotel, where Bao smiled and whisper something in Feng's ear. Making him laugh, as he also agreed with her.

Where Lan was the only one who was left alone without the details.

Visiting the hotel. Arc.

"Hey! Is that Feng Lin, right... The one you want to teach a lesson to. But he does not look that great to me, are you sure he is the boyfriend of that Li Lan." Feng was left alone by Lan and Bao'er as they had something to do, so they first left for the side building shop. He was ordered to take a seat, and wait for them.

Never did he know that his arrival would be bringing a lot more trouble, even on a day like this.

As he walked inside the hotel, to book a seat for them. He saw the familiar face of Wen Tian, a classmate, X-rival, and a nuisance for him.

Hanging around with some boys and girls, grouping together to have a group date or something short of similar.

Not wanting to have much to do with him. Feng wanted to silently walk past him, and not disturb the guy on his group date.

When he remembers, that Bao and Lan always tend to have a single identity in college, they must have gone to make some adjustments in her looks. To make sure, that no one would notice them.

"But why did they have the same IDs? in the college. Wouldn't that bother them? in the future." Thinking about it he walked past the guy and took his seat, at the window table.

When a hand slammed on the table, which made all the customers look their way.

"Yo! Are you called Feng Lin, right..."The first sentence determines the fact that the guy was here to cause a problem for Feng. Where the other possibility about if the guy was an idiot was also proved to be true by his words.

The guy first asked the question whether he was Feng Lin or not, then he even answered it in the same sentence with 'right.' which made Feng a little speechless to answer the idiot in front of him.

"You! You are an idiot for sure. But I wanna ask is, if you know my name. Why the hell are you asking me about my name?" Feng's question made the customer at the table in front of them! Laugh, as they tried their best to hold it back.

Wen Tian's friend was also called Bai Ren. He was also a Bai family troublemaker and was truly called Bai family trash. So, Feng's words truly struck home, making the guy shake in anger as he glare at Feng with hateful eyes.

"Fu** you mother... You a**h***" All sorts of abuses were heard within the vicinity making those who were eating look hatefully at the abuser.

"What are you all, glaring at... I am Bai family young master, I can rape you all, as long as I make a single move from my family side." If cursing Feng was not enough, he started to curse all the other customers who glare at him because of his nuisance too.

"OH! I would like to see, what you can do to my Li family..." Lan walked, as she hatefully looked at Bai's family's troublemaker.

Given! This time, he had already messed with them a lot, cursing her boyfriend and cursing her family too. There was no way, that she would let go of these words which were like humiliation to them.

"Lady Lan... It is not like you are thinking, I was just getting rid of the pest beside you. That is all my intention was, I can swear on the Bai family's name."

The sudden change in the tone of the guy, when Bao'er who had changed into a different personality came by Feng's side and hugged Feng's arm.

"Are you alright? Feng." She whispered given they had rushed over here when they heard the commotion in the hotel.

After all, it has been the worst kind of day for Feng, who had to face gangsters and different kinds of troubles. They felt a little worried about him, so they rushed over to find, that a guy was abusing Feng one-sidedly.

"Hmm! Sorry about it..." He looked at Bao'er who was worried about him and touched her head with a pat.

"You made fun of my boyfriend, cursed at my family name, and called the person I cherish to be an idiot. How can all this be related to what you are saying..." Lan was extremely cold about this topic, which caused the other one to step back.

"As for you Wen Tian, I use to have a good impression of you for all this time. But never did I think, you are this kind of personality. I am totally disappointed in you." She shook her head and smiled at Feng Lin who grabbed her shoulder.

"It is alright! Let's go and eat, I am getting hungry..." Feng wanted to ignore again, given Lan had already gotten angry for his sake. So, he did not have much intention to cause them any more problems here.

"Wait!!!" Suddenly Wen Tian held Lan's hand, which sent an angry impulse inside Feng's mind, who did not wait for any explanation and slammed a kick on the bastard's chest.

"Which part of that she is my girl is not clear to you, trying to touch her. You are courting death, without any burial." Giving him a warning, he did not look at others' reactions. While taking Lan and Bao'er to the other seat, so they could enjoy their lunch.
