

Hard to explain but known as a place that lifts one spirit just by being there. But this one day, Feng was about to visit such a place. Along with the new job from his system.

[_Second Profession initiated: Detective. (Category: Hidden Profession.)_]

[_Initial Reward of the 2nd profession: Shadow Dive (Spatial-Shadow Skill.)_]

[Intiating Skill-based Setting: Name the skill activation code: ......_]

Feng was sitting on his bed, as he looked at the skill name Shadow Dive. As the name suggests, he teleports from shadow to shadow every 10 minutes.

While this kind of skill is super effective and super powerful in close combat. It is also a very convenient skill, especially when used to protect or teleport someone.

Their destination was the subway city in the Eastern District Line. The alliance Continent had 5 major countries within them, one of them was the country Asiana. Asiana had many towns and many districts.

Among those districts is the Eastern city which lies on the edge of the continent and is connected to the Major Sea line.

It was seven towns apart, and the shortest distance to the Eastern District Line.

The girls were ready to go. While Feng was also done packing up, after all, after that party Feng wanted to cheer Lan up.

As he had been noticing how depressed she had been, even though she looked like smiling from outside, in the house.

"Lan-Lan let's go, keep up with us." Going down Rong pulled Lan up when she was looking at something on the I-pad.

While Feng who was pulled by Binger and Hua, smiled as he felt a little reassured when Rong was by Lan's side.

After all, this problem was something those sisters has to do something on their own.

Although, in the latter part, he was willing to cheer Lan up. But before that Lan has to forgive herself, and it was only possible when she will release her pent-up emotions to her sisters.

Where he could only count on them, to help their sister.

"Hua, Binger both of you can go and cheer her up. After all, I am not angry with you guys at all, but I am a little worried about Lan." When they reached the parking area, Feng pulled the girls that were dragging him till this moment.

Embracing them silently, he spoke to them in the ear and walked straight, but turning for a moment he winked at them.

"Okay!" Looking at Feng who was taking out his car, Hua and Binger, turned back to the stairway and ran toward them.

Given, it was time for them to have a nice long chat with Big sister Lan. Who had been spoiling them, for all this time, which they could remember...

Hua! Binger!!!

Lan reached the 1st floor, but never did she expect Hua and Binger to wait for her at the entrance for them.

After all, it was the time that they could have been with Feng.

But if they were standing there waiting for them, Lan could tell, that they finally wanted to have a chat with her.

All Five Sisters! Back together after such a long time.

Just like Lan had expected, the moment was very awkward for all of them. But she also did not want to waste this moment. It was the right time, when she could apologies to them, for taking that matter herself.

She did break her words and the promise they made, at the very beginning of everything.

Thank You!!!

'Eh!' Lan was stunned when she heard those words. It was not loud, but when all four of them said it at that same moment, the voice and resonance started to echo inside her mind.

Just like a 'Poof.' sensation passed her consciousness. Where her mind was not able to make any rational decision, at that instant.

She truly felt happy beyond anything.

This kind of sensation, made her eyes blur as she finally let out the tear from back then. The tear she had been holding back for all this time, started to spill out.

But they were not alone, after all, at that moment her sisters were there to wipe them off.

"Thank you for everything Big sister Lan." Their feeling passed through Lan, who was able to return back to her previous self.

Having someone to back up them is a feeling which is hard to find. Feng believed that the protagonist of the novel previous world felt the same, toward their system.

Having someone or something which would never lie to them. The thing which can always say, that he is there to support you in any difficult situation is support.

That can help any person, to come out of any situation. Just like how a drowning person can swim with a support of a branch, it was the same for the sisters, Lan was that kind of existence for them.

There was no way, that those sisters would be upset about Lan's action. When they knew the fact that, there was no other way. It was Lan who took the bite for them.

After some time, Lan and other sisters came to the Parking area, where Feng was waiting for them while Hua also walked toward her car, which she would drive.

Feng Lin care could only accommodate 4 people including the driver.

For that, they had already decided to rotate driving every 4 hours and stop at the nearby station.

But after talking with Lan, Hua and Rong decided to let Lan, have a special privilege and pushed her into Feng Lin's car alone. Whereas the other four would continue to travel in the same car.


After some time Feng drove out of the car of the parking area, he looked at Lan and smiled. After all, the tear mark was still fresh on her face. Although, she was trying to hide it with much difficulty. But in his eyes, it was next to impossible for her to hide something so obvious.

"How do you feel after crying out... I hope, it was a little more helpful, for the long run ahead of us." Hearing Feng's words, Lan turned red as she turned to look at him.

After all, the long run that Feng spoke about was not about the beach, but in her view, it was about life. Which was telling her that, how he still wanted to continue living with her.

"Thank you." She spoke the feeling she had within her heart. As she recalls, why did she, start to date an idiot like him, in her past memories?

The reason was not that big, actually, it was something very simple and easy to understand. But such traits were hard to find in anyone.

He spoke about the future with a certain tone, as if he was holding on a firm grasp on the future within his hand.

Confident, which could be called blindness at a certain stage. But as long as he continues to win, he would shine the brightest among them all.

'That is what made me fall in love with an idiot like him.' She laughed at the sight of him driving, wishing to keep looking at him in a similar manner even in the coming future.

"Feng! I am sorry." When the red light flashed at the crossover, Feng stopped his car and heard Lan's words.

So, he turned to look at her as she was looking at him sideways. "Yeah! I was pretty angry at that moment, but knowing you. I was able to tell, that you were forced by something, so there was nothing I could say about it."

Feng spoke bluntly, at which, Lan looked a little sad. When a hand held her chin and pulled her face up and warm lips, covered her lips.

"Then I will have to punish you by having your kiss," Feng muttered in her ear, as he kissed her neck at which Lan finally was able to react and pull herself back.



Lan's heart raced at his smile. As she covered her neck and looked to the side, where a few people were looking at them with a smile. "Ahh! Such a cute girlfriend he had, but with that car and such an assertive personality. It is not impossible to woo a girl like her."

She felt embarrassed, wanting to bury her head in the car. She found that her sister was snickering at her from the other side of the window. At which, Feng raised a thumbs-up sign to them and drew his gear, to start his car again.