Sister and Mother

After that hotel incident and with a single-day journey, in the evening time, they were already at Subway Town.

It was the town where Feng's family is living, and after 1 and a half years of time, he was in the City of Greenwine.

During that time period, saving money on transportation and earning money by doing some part-time work during the holidays has been keeping him away from the home.

Although he had gotten some money during the month period, his exam came in and he was unable to go and see his family.

Made him reluctant at first, but Lan and others forced him to bring his mother and sister back with him.

After all, Feng Lin was like a rising star in that city, so his bringing them back to the city could harm them. Which was keeping him from taking such risky actions.

Rong was the one, who said how he could grow the strength of the gang which Duan lead and ask Old Huang to support them.

Raising their influence through the city would be an easy thing, and with that, he could easily bring his family back with him.

The town was changed in just one and a half years time period. The changes that were brought by the industries were huge, but the most important part of the city was the city center.

Where towering buildings were covering the sky. These properties were under his girl's supervision, so they had already booked a top floor for him.

"We should first take sister and mother to our flat first, then we can stay here for a week. After that, we will go to the next town. Still, will your mother will come with us."

Rong had it all planned but the only variable in her plan was Feng Lin's mother and sister, after all, this was the first time that she will meet them.

Maybe it was because of that fact, all the girls were feeling a little tense, wanting to hide for time being. Then thinking how rude it would be not to greet Feng Lin's mother. They decided to greet her once, also there will be Feng around there. They had nothing to worry about, as they can push everything on him.

"Feng! Which area." Hua who was driving the other car asked.

"The old area, you guys can keep driving behind me. I will drive my way straight to there, also do not use navigation, since I had many shortcuts to that area." Pushing the gear, Feng sped up and turned to the right.

As they passed the central main region, where the hotel they had booked was passed through.

Along the way, Rong and Binger stopped midway as they wanted to go to a hotel, and talked with the staff. So, Feng Lin and others stopped in middle for a moment, then they continued to move toward Feng's apartment area.

It was an old part of the town, where the apartment building was run down. While driving down the street Feng felt a little nostalgic, but the stare from the surrounding people was something new in this part of town for him.

'Hmm. The residence has grown a lot in just past 1 and half years, I had been apart.' He thought.

As he finally found a similar apartment, a simple woman in her thirties attracted Feng's attention.

'Mom.' Looking at her smiling face, Feng drove the car a little faster and stopped in front of the resident which attracted Feng's mother and the aunt beside her.

"Xia! take a look, the main person behind that company group is here, I think."

Feng Lin's mother's name was Feng Xi, but Feng Xi's neighbors tend to call her Xia.

The moment Feng Lin walked out of the car, Feng Xi was stunned as it did not take a second, for her to realize that it was Feng Lin who came out of the car.

"Feng'er." Mother Xia was stunned, but also happy to see him.

She realized that this one and a half years have changed her son, into a completely new person in front of her.

"Eh!, Feng Lin, he is Feng'er." The neighbor was also caught off guard, by Feng Lin's new looks and turned to look at him. But looking at him, who held that mischievous grin on his face, she recalled Feng Lin's antic from the past.

"Aunty! Hardly recognized me now, Huh." Feng Lin's calm voice brought Aunt back to light, and she end up laughing at her short memories. "Now look at you, Feng-boy changing so much, how can an old lady like me would recognize you."

When Aunty was talking with Feng, Mother Xia's attention was on the little ladies who came out of Feng Lin's car and the car beside them. Given! Each of those girls was peerless beauty, who attracted the attention of everyone walking on the street.

"Yeah! Mom, they are Lan, Bao'er, and Hua. I wanted to let you meet them." Hearing their name, Lan and her sister came to greet mother Xia. As they realized that the Feng Lin family was not simple, given just a glance at Mother Xia.

They could feel distinct presence of her, and also the way she smile and greet them. Made her appear noble, which is the essence those at higher status grow up with.

Gently touching Lan's face, Xia smiled and called them in.

After all, her daughter in laws was so beautiful that it almost drew the attention of the whole society just standing there at the gate.

"Feng! You little boy. When did you succeed in pursuing them, then again, I hope you did realize that they had quintuplets, right."

Feng Lin almost stumbled, even Lan and the other girls were stunned by that. As they all thought, how Mother Xia knew about something like that?

For Feng it was always like that, so nothing came as a surprise but for Lan and her sisters, this was the first time that they had met someone like Lady Xia.

But asking further about it from her was also a difficult task, as Feng was completely useless at this point, they deemed it.

After all, this guy did not realize when they change and dated him. So, him being not realizing the secret of his mother was not that shocking.

On the other hand. It was not that easy for Feng, after all, he had always known about the presence of mysteriousness around his mother.

But the fact alone, that his mother was not willing to tell him, he kept it silent for all this time.

After all, he knew that one day he will open a system and the chance of him finding out about the secret, without involving his dear mother in it was high.

The secret to enduring it all was very simple. He just need to love them all, his family was the gift that he had gotten from god in this world. So, he wanted to enjoy every precious moment with his family in this world.

Which lead to his desire of becoming perfect in every sense, his academics, his fitness, his experience, and his vigilance. In every sense, he tried to become a step closer to becoming responsible in this family.

"Feng Lin, go and help the aunt to carry those parcels here. She has just contacted me, it was sent to our house number, it says." Xia looked at the message and smiled, as she asked Feng Lin to go and help his aunt.

Also, it was about time that she was also coming back, knowing her child, Xia knew that her daughter would love to see Feng first.

"Also, your baby sister is also on the way. Go and get her along with some snacks, it is very rare to have girls coming from your side." Feng was talking with Bao'er and others.

When he heard his mother call, and almost coughed up at the last part. While the girls started to laugh at Feng, who was completely helpless against his mother.

Although, he acted so tough against the upper echelons of Greenwine City.

"Okay! I got it, mom." Smiling bitterly, he walked out of the home, where Lan, Hua, and Bao'er looked at him walking out with a smile.

As they teased him in a small voice, "Go and get your baby princess, the knight in shiny armor."

After some time, Xia came out of the kitchen, with some tea and snacks that she had kept hidden from her daughter.

"My little girl is very fond of snacks, so I had to keep it hidden from her. But this set was the last of it, and she would definitely throw tantrums after some time. So, I had asked him to bring some with Mai." Lady Xia had a smile when talking about them, she looked the calm and silent type.

Her way of talking make them at ease, and they also started to get involved in her topic related to Feng Lin.

Although, the main factor all four of them were about to chat so merrily was due to the topic being Feng Lin himself. Or else, they could not have such a smooth conversation even with their age difference.

On the other hand.

Feng Lin who was finally out of the building rushed toward the front area, crossing through the different sections, he finally reached the residential area.

His aunt was standing at the front of her shop, where Feng did not see his sister coming. So, he decided to collect the mail, and help out his aunt in the meantime.

"Good! Lucky boy, I have called your sister, she will be here in the shop. Until then, you can help me around in the area, and give her a surprise afterward." Aunt's character and personality did not change, but she was feeling a little awkward due to the changes in Feng Lin.

Who was wearing such fine dressing, which suit him a lot... While making him stand out among the crowd as they looked at his side from time to time.

"Okay! Your personal worker at the site." Feng saluted, which made the old Aunt laugh at his words and nodded him to come with her.

After all, the load of heavy-duty she had was a lot, so having a pair of hands helping her would be a great help.