Another day.

Another beautiful day had begun, and Feng had just finished his breakfast and was making his way to a specific room, where he left it on the table.

He looked at the child, who had already gotten out of bed, and saw that her face no longer looked like she was malnourished and instead had a healthy glow.

Sia, who had started to look more and more healthy despite being held captive inside that capsule that was keeping her alive, emerged from the machine.

She was 16 years old, but now she looks like a child of 12 or 13. Her body size has decreased dramatically.

"Big brother." She chirped with a happy tone, clinging onto his arm. The fact that she could rely on Feng Lin without question after only seven days had a lot to do with her developing this trust. She began to think of the big guy as her older sibling and began to refer to him by the sibling name she had given him.

"Hmm! Good morning, Sia." Feng eventually warmed up to her as well, understanding why she had become so well-liked in the community.

No one could possibly hate such a lovely girl, what with her sunny disposition, lovely voice, and stunning good looks. If this were a fantasy world of kings and kingdoms, a character like her could have played the role of the little princess.

"Big brother, I want to go out too, if that is something you are alright with." After hearing Sia's request, Feng reflected on the fact that she had been essentially imprisoned in this space for the past few months.

He thought she was in good shape generally, but that the strain of a walk might be too much for her, so he might have to carry her.

Sia remained silent as she gazed at Feng with a forced smile, "Big brother, it's okay; I'm not in a hurry or anything, and I always have you by my side, so I'm not that bored either."

Feng, considering the circumstances, has stuck by her side for the duration.

The fact that he was exerting himself to the fullest in order to shield her was clear to her.

And, of course, there was the fact that the hooded man was the one responsible for keeping her a prisoner in the pond all this time.

Her expression suddenly turned silver with terror.

"Eh, no, it's not a problem for me to take you out; I was just considering the possibility that I might have to carry you, given that your leg strength is not back yet." Sia's face flushed as she considered this, prompting her to hide it under the blanket.

Whereas Feng thought her little act of uncovering herself from the blanket was cute.

At the same time he was using his arm to lift her up like a little princess and take her to the changing room, he was thinking about how to dress her.

"What, as if I had not given you baths every day?" Feng patted her on the head and gave her the new clothes that fatty Duan had bought for her after noticing how much she was sulking.

"Here are some brand-new dresses, which I had Fatty pick out for you."

"Um, but can I change them myself? I can change them while sitting, so it shouldn't be a problem." Sia spoke with a light blush as she looked at Feng, who nodded at her and patted her head.

"All right, but I must caution you to give up and call me if things get tough, especially since you should be very specific about the physical pain you're experiencing."

In response to Feng's words, the little girl nodded, acknowledging the fact that she knew her body was extremely weak.

So, not wanting to be a burden on him more, she had to be careful with her state.

"Right!" Saying it cheerfully, Sia watched Feng walk out and patted her chest as a bright red blush appeared on her face.

"Big brother, Huh?" After leaving the room, Feng waited patiently by the door, listening for any signs of movement inside.

"Hmm, she is getting better and her pain is receding, I guess." He could hear slight breathing from the other side as he used his understanding of the "hidden boxing style breathing" concept to determine whether or not she was in pain.

Given that Hidden Boxing is a complete martial arts curriculum, it stands to reason that it would also furnish him with in-depth knowledge of the arts and everything else of the sort.

"Okay, big bro, you can come in here now." Sia called Feng inside when he was in the midst of a deep thought.

"Oh, alright." Feng Lin entered and looked at the little girl, who was dressed nicely in a skirt and a light blue top, highlighting her blond hair even more than before.

A weekly appearance of her on the bed gave anyone the opportunity to feel the need to shield her.

Although her supporting hand was trembling from weakness, a smile beamed from within her and betrayed a stubborn determination to keep going.

"Wow, little Sia just looks like an angel at the moment." Given that the girl's arm was about to give out under the strain, Feng clapped and held her.

Helping Sia feel a little better, she rested her head on his chest and thought back to the first time they had ever met. It was in the same manner that he had carried her body through that hell.

Making her feel stronger in order for her not to burden the guy in front of her.

"Thank you." Although Feng thought she was thanking him for the compliment, Sia heard those words as an echo of her heart. She was flattered but also a little self-conscious, so she buried her face in his chest.

"Sia is just cute." Feng made the remark as he approached the gate and rapped on it for a brief moment, at which point Duan, who had brought the wheelchair for Sia and parked the car at Feng's request, emerged.

"Feng!" After Duan's unexpected appearance, Sia looked at him in shock before he recovered and flashed Feng a broad grin.

"Ahm! What it is." Feng coughed and asked.

"The car is parked with the wheelchaired girl inside, and there are no issues with either of those things; however, you inquired about the situation at the store." Duan whispered something to Feng at the end of the conversation, but Feng had no intention of keeping it from Sia and so he continued the conversation in a bold manner, encouraging Duan to do the same.

To the point where Duan picked up and voiced his own understanding.

After all, it was about the shop and several thing Feng got for the prize from the system, for helping Sia dealing with the minion of the elder from that sect.

[__1st Prize: A special edition Voltra-Max Mod-ex car.__]

[__2nd Prize: Sea Shine Plaza and Sea Shine Resort.__]

[__3rd Prize: Bandon Mall's legal rights; collect from their chief management.__]

[__4th Prize: Empty plot at...]

Feng asked fatty Duan to get the legal plot paper, and after signing it, he asked fatty to get the signature from the other side. When he took possession of the land, he placed the deed and other legal documents in his "storage bag, from the system" the most secure location possible from which to retrieve the documents at any time.

"Whew, that's some incredible talent, bro Feng." Feng shook his head in dismay at the prospect of not being able to provide his brother with even this one thing.

Given, he had no idea how this ability worked, but since it was provided by the system, he accepted it. He can only see it as the gaming storage visual from the previous world MMORPG.

Feng picked up Sia, a young girl, and carried her to the parking lot, where she appeared to be doing fine until he felt a slight tremble in her head. She hid in his chest because she was afraid of stepping outside of her comfort zone.

"Sia, it's okay. As long as I stay by your side, there won't be any harm that could reach even one of your hairs." Kenta whispered beside her ear, giving the little girl a warm feeling as she poked her head out of his embrace and looked at him. Who was beaming at her with the same grin he had worn when he rescued her from harm.