The Director

The Director is dead sir, said Dimitri. How did he die? asked Romanov. Heart attack, replied Dimitri. And you are here to tell me that they are having a service for him? asked Romanov. Yes sir, and they would very much like for you to attend the service, said Dimitri. I'm too old for that now, to move out of this place, replied Romanov. I understand sir, said Dimitri. I would like to add one thing sir , asked Dimitri. Go ahead , said Romanov. It is a well known fact that you and the director did not see eye to eye towards the end of you respective careers. And sir, said Dimitri getting up from his chair. The world has seen the accomplishment of the both of you, and to the normal eye , the both of you cannot be separated. History will look back and see it was the both of you that made it all possible. You know it is not true, that there were countless others that made it possible. In fact the people who had sacrificed their lives should be given more importance, does that not seem fair? asked Romanov. Yes sir, but I would like to think that the gods intended for you and the director to live a long life, said Romanov. And Sir, I would be honored and so would countless people of this nation that you attend the ceremony. Son, said Romanov. I know you are sent by the higher ups, and for them it is the truth , that I do not see eye to eye with them. Romanov lit his pipe back , those higher ups of yours and the higher ups of the world have made sure that the history was written perfectly. The way they deemed to be fit. They want it perfect, they want their reputation intact, but let me tell you one thing. History was never perfect ,it never will be. It is tainted , full of blood, cowardice and greed. It has its good things, I'm not saying it does not, but it certainly not the way it is painted. So if me attending the ceremony would be the catalyst to keeping their reputation intact and making sure that History speaks of us a certain way, I certainly do not intend to adhere to their demands. Goodbye, Said Romanov to Dimitri. Goodbye Sir, replied Dimitri.

Planet 111

Plato paced around in the cell while Zeno was sleeping on the bench that was provided to him. A guard approached their cell and dropped in Dinner for the both of them. Guard, said Plato. This time the guard was too close to not hear him. What? he asked Plato. Plato came closer to the guard to have a look at him. Why are your ears so closely attached to the head ? he asked the guard. I do not know , why are your yours so far away?, replied the guard. Fair enough, said Plato. Can you tell your superiors that I said that they are really stupid, Plato said to the guard. What did you say!? the guard was visibly agitated. I said to tell your superiors that they are really stupid, Plato repeated himself again. The guards eyes turned red with anger as he threatened Plato "I dare you to say that once more". Plato did not oblige to the guard , as he went back and seated himself on the bench. The guard was still standing in front of the cell. You know guard, said Plato. There are may people who are searching for me , and they sure want me dead. And do you think that putting me in a hole here is a good choice? he asked the guard. Nonsense said the guard, no one is searching for a human in these parts of the Galaxy. Plato laughed, then let us all go down together, he warned the guard. The guard was about to go back to his desk. At least tell them to move us around, he shouted to the guard who was in earshot.

Planet 757
Akimo was getting ready for his evening walk. He was now an old man and he had to use a walking stick to tread in a straight path. For a very long time now, Akimo has been staying with the Strongman Marakese. And the strongman had grown fond of Akimo, especially the kids. And every time he went for his walks whether in the morning or in the evening, a group of children followed him. The children asked him many questions , mostly about his original planet .Planet earth. Most of the time Akimo was patient enough to answer the kids , but sometimes he used to get irritated , but the kids found it funny when he got irritated. So now he stopped getting irritated and answered them very slowly , so much so that they got bored of his answers and left him alone. The old Japanese tried to stay away from the beaches but gave into his temptations once in a while. He used to wander off to the beaches when no one was watching, and enjoy the magnificence of the oceans. Akimo thought that no one knew that he had wandered of to the ocean side, but the Strongmen always kept an eye on him. Two of them always followed him from a distance, not so close that they could be spotted by the Japanese. And from afar they used to see him do something strange. From where they were watching him, it would like that he is offering a prayer to the ocean . He would close his eyes and stand still for a couple of minutes. Truthfully no one knows what he was doing , whether he was praying or just standing there enjoying the cool breeze. And to add this strange occurrence, he would stand at the exact spot where Sergey first was captured by the Strongmen.
"The minerals were extracted by the humans at every planet in every Galaxy , where ever they found it. Nothing stopped them from excavating the minerals . They Pillaged every site that they even had the slightest doubt that the mineral could exist. Yes, the humans Pillaged everything everywhere , Yet they could not touch these majestic oceans. No matter how many times they tried, they just could not breach these oceans. It was as if something was protecting it , protecting the people. Whenever they tried to go deep into oceans with their subs, the oceans would suddenly produce strong currents that made it impossible for them them to tread. One such day , Sergey had planned the exact time to excavate the Ocean bed. It was a nice sunny day with no signs of wind or bad weather. It would be what you would call the "perfect day to go fishing". Such was the weather , Sergey and the team got on to their subs and began their expedition. And then again to no ones real surprise, the currents of the ocean behaved in such a way that it had previously had not. It wreaked havoc on them , that ultimately they returned back to the beach within a few minutes.
It was years ago when that happened , and it was the last time they tried to tread the ocean of the Strongmen.