The Blue eyed Harakans lived just outside the borders of Wilmir. They were good hunters, versed in all forms of combat and excellent sword masters as well as axe throwers. The shortest of them were over 6 feet in height. The tallest was said to be about 8 feet, and there has been a rare case of a Harakan reaching 10 or even 12 feet. Presently no one stood that tall, and even if people refused to believe it , the Harakans will go to the words end and even threaten to push you to make you believe them. Their distinct feature was their eyes, crystal clear blue. They were so sharp that it could pierce through ice. The Harakans were not the fairest of the lot, as the bright sun rays made sure it struck them through most of the days. Very hard workers they were, toiling most of their lives. They prayed to the sun gods everyday without fail.
"Although they were under the rule of the forests, they were given a free reign approach most of the times. As the Harakans were truthful and honest people, the king of the forests deemed that they would be fine on their own" The only thing that was asked in return was to invite everyone around the forests when they hosted their traditional day every year. There were food, celebrations and joy during that day of the year. A grand day, which everyone in the forest wanted to attend" Before the times of Darticus was the king Kiro. Who was as just a ruler as Darticus was. Kiro might have lacked the strength of Darticus, but he certainly more than made it up with his intellect. He was a very smart and tactful man, who had good relations with the kingdom. King Maximus and his father always saw Kiro in the right eye. They never asked anything of him, except to fight in the battles that proved too hard far to them. And they too were too few and far in between. Kiro in return provided the medicines from the forests and the Oak of Algreid to the kingdom. The kingdom never asked him to provide anything, nor did they pressure him to do so. Such was his character. And during the time of Kiro the Northerners were closed of to behind the mountains, they rarely ventured North of the peaks. They did not threaten anyone except the Marakese. The Marakese were afraid of the erratic nature of the Northerners then just like now. "During the time of Kiro, the Marakese were largely forgotten. They remained only in the mountains and the light of their existence was not shown enough" They were called the people of the shadows, the mountains and many other. And these names were called too far and few between, again. Kiro liked to maintain his relationships with all the people of the North. And as usual , the Northerners behavior irritated him. Though the king od the North was polite, his subjects were not. They were unruly towards him and then Kiro had decided not to venture south of the mountains there after. His meeting with the Marakese was less fruitful. Arakur the First, the father of the current Arakur was a very elusive man. He never wanted to meet anyone. Whether he was scared or he just did not bother to, is still not known to many. The Forests of Wilmir had been a mystery then as they are now, and no one really wanted to enter their domains, not even Kiro.
"One fine day, Kiro rode his horse into the colony of the Harakans. He was there to meet his good friend Brok. Brok was the then chief of Harakans. As Kiro neared the house of the chief, he was welcomed by a thud on the ground. It was Brok who had just landed on the ground. Hell Kiro, said Brok. Hello Brok, replied Kiro. Another one of your flying lessons, is it? asked Kiro. Not exactly , said Brok , just a routine check to see if everything was alright. Come in , let us go inside, Brok greeted kiro to his home. You see not every Harakan could fly, only the chief during his time was able to fly. Only Brok could fly in his community, and as far as they knew he was the only one with the powers to fly. But he was sworn by the king of the forests and the King himself that he will not misuse his powers. He swore to his people ,like every Brok before him that no harm he would cause with his powers. And if so, he did , he would die by the breath of the dragons fire. " So, it was written". A Brok many generations before him had died and succumbed to the fire breathing dragon. As there was a Brok in every generation, there were dragons. Atleast before a thousand years. The last thousand years there had not been a dragon. " It was said by the oracle that a Dragon would arise if a Brok misused his power". But the prediction of the oracle has largely gone to slain, as there was a Brok now and a dragon in existence. So the Brok of Harakan was never seen flying since the dragon took to the skies. He and his people were scared that the dragon would blow him to dust if he soared the skies like the dragon did.
One day his child asked the Brok " Has not a Brok ridden a dragon, or has there been a Harakan ridden a dragon?". Yes there was one, so it is said. "Bugan the hunter" was said to have rode a dragon five thousand years ago, replied Brok. " Bugan the hunter" the child exclaimed with his blue eyes going ever sharper. Do not pierce me with that look, joked Harakan. Father, he was the grestest hunter in all of Andorra , even today no one can hunt like him, said the child. You are absolutely right. He was a great man, he flew a dragon. But he could not fly like me , could he? Brok joked again.