
The people of Arakanese were trapped under the caves. The tremors were gone for quite some time now. They looked at each other to see who had enough courage to go on top to see if their passage was free. " But none moved from their position". If we have to sit here for the rest of the lives, that is a far greater death than being killed by that demon, said one of them and the rest of them agreed. As they sat there without no hope nor sunshine, there was a jolt on the ground above them. Something was being removed form atop them. The doorway slid and there emerged Arakanese. He looked at his people "Pass me the sword" he said to them. One of them went and gave it to him. Let us go home, he said to them. So they followed him, the people of Arakanese. Through the jungles and despair they followed him, not knowing what the future was to hold for them. They looked at his right arm and saw it was missing. " He holds his sword in his left arm" said the people. Yes, the others said and whispered things within themselves. Arakanese continued to march towards their home, unaware of what was being conspired behind him.

"let us kill him, said one of the people" yes, said another. He has only one arm now. We need to be wary of the sword , said the most senior of the men. The people watched the eyes of the senior people turn red to greed. There was silence among them as Arakanese swung his swords many a times to see if he can handle combat with his left hand. They looked at the senior people and said " And you would want to be king, have the sword for yourself" they asked him. No, of course not, he replied. The answer did not suffice the people. His voice still had the hint of cunning in it. We have to kill you first, one of the people said. Yes, they all agreed to him. " We will kill you with the sword you so much desire" they spoke in silence. The dungeons have turned your minds inside out, said the senior. He now had the look of a man who was scared of his life. The rest of the people had a look of violence in them. Arakanese walked ahead, as Beirod jumped from one tree to another. He was not keenly listening to what the people spoke but he had an idea that there was something about to happen. " Let us kill him" said one of them and caught the neck of the senior people. He cried for help! leave me alone, everyone of you have gone mad, he shouted. What is going on? asked Arakanese as he came with his sword swinging. The people caught him and put him to the ground. After much reluctance, they took the sword away from Arakanese. They stabbed the senior people in his heart taking the life out of him. From the trees again emerged Beirod with his axe and thwarted each and every one of them there. He threw the people who crushed Arakanese far away from him. They whimpered in pain. Some ran away and hid. Hide! that is what you are good at, shouted Beirod. The people who had the sword on him dripping with the seniors blood came charging at him. Beirod swooped down and launched the spear at him which dove straight into his heart. The man lay waste on the ground, Arakanese picked up the sword and looked back to thank Beirod. But Beirod was gone , he was no longer there visible to the eyes of Arakanese. "He hid himself among the trees". Arankese drew his sword and stabbed every other People who came his way. He languished in pain and anger as he stabbed his people until the last of them fell on the ground. Some ran away!" Run for your life" he shouted at them.

So there he walked again Arakanese still swinging his sword to get his reflexes right, he looked back and there was no one. He looked around and there was no one." Beirod had hidden himself well"!