I'm Awkward, You're Awkward

After that confrontation, Serenia entered the dining room. Elias was already waiting inside. There was a long dining table with a total of fifteen chairs available, but only one seat was filled, and it was the First Cardinal.

Serenia donned a simple white gown, left her long hair as is, and put on no makeup. It was a complete contrast to Serenia's previous signature appearance. That girl would never dare to leave her room without dolling herself up to the max. She cared most about how others perceived her.

Serenia strode in with a confident gaze and posture. She sat down on the nearest seat to Elias. They smiled at each other.

He then proceeded to snap his fingers. Then, an array of servants came pouring in, bringing all sorts of food and beverages. They placed it down on the table and left in haste, leaving the two alone.

"How surprising. To think that you would suddenly extend an invitation for a dinner like this.." Serenia poured herself a glass of wine and fiddle with it, glancing over at Elias in wonder. "Cardinal Elias must have a purpose. May I ask what it is?"

"Since we are all alone in this room, I think we should relax and place no barriers between us. Serenia, tell me the truth. What is wrong?" Elias' eyes narrowed, as if he was trying to pierce through Serenia's head and look inside her mind personally.

"Me? Absolutely nothing is wrong. I'm as healthy as always. In what sense are you implying that.. I'm not?"

"Everything. The way you talk, interact with others, carry yourself.. even down to your preferences. It's like.. you're a totally different person." Elias scanned Serenia carefully.

"Everyone can change, Cardinal. It's only a matter of time. As for me.. let's just say I received a special oracle that caused me to wake up and face reality. Besides, be my judge, please. So far, is the change you've witnessed a bad thing?" Serenia asked.

Of course it was a bad thing. For his beloved puppet to break free from his chains and have a mind of her own.. It'd be troublesome.

"Are you really over Duke Ardenne?"

Serenia went silent. She rolled her eyes internally.

This 'Duke Ardenne' was actually quite a pitiful man.

He was a brilliant figure. He was a young man in his twenties, but with his remarkable talents and capabilities, he quickly surged up to become the youngest Duke in history. Even then, he wasn't just flashy in name. He was able to bring prosperity to the Dukedom in a rapid pace. Fixed many underlying problems that loomed behind the land. His good deeds were insurmountable.

He was one of the most sought after bachelors in the kingdom. No one didn't know who he was.

And yet, just because a random childish Saintess fancied him, he became subjected to countless forced treatments and harassments. The Holy Palace recognized how powerful he was, and thought that the Saintess' feelings was the perfect pawn to reel Duke Ardenne in.

It didn't matter how he felt. Just because she was the Saintess, her wishes couldn't be ignored. He had to play house with her. Go along with her whims. Talks of marriage even surfaced multiple times. The Holy Palace, who wanted Ardenne's power would actively support this marriage, whereas the Duke's loyal retainers would do anything it costs to suppress the deal and cut it short.

"..Yes, I am. Whatever I might've done in the past, please don't remind me of it. It's now a dark past that I desperately want to forget." She calmly replied. "With how much you've asked that same question.. I'm curious, how low is your trust for me? Are my words really that meaningless?"

"It's not about trust. It's just that.. your past actions are notorious enough to be talked about in neighboring kingdoms, you see? Did you know? Your infatuation with Duke Ardenne, many even attributed demonic arts being used as the reason." Elias chuckled, but his eyes weren't smiling at all.

Serenia's actions towards the Duke ranged from light, heartwarming approaches to downright creepy and illegal acts. The Holy Palace has had to cover up her tracks so many times in the past. Naturally, Elias would always be on the frontlines for her protection.

Judging by those experiences, it was hard to believe Serenia right away.

"..I acknowledge that, but please believe me. I've changed. I'm no longer.. that same girl who would throw away everything else just to chase after a man's heart. Someone who won't even look at me properly. I was foolish." Serenia acted like she was gloomy and depressed.

"Might I ask the reason why you suddenly changed your mind?"

"It's for El's sake, right? I don't have to bother over men like him, who doesn't hold the El in his eyes." Serenia continued to spout bullshit as if it was her innate talent to do so.

"Haa.. Alright. I hope you truly can hold those words."

"Please don't worry, I'll act in accordance." Serenia smiled as she cut up a piece of meat on her plate and ate it. "How about we eat first, Cardinal? I'm quite hungry."

"Serenia." Elias called out in a domineering tone.

"Hm?" Mid chewing, Serenia looked up to meet Elias' eyes. She looked like an innocent squirrel who tries to stuff as much food as possible into her mouth.

"I don't know what kind of games you're trying to pull, but be mindful of your identity. As a Saintess, you belong to the Holy Palace. Whatever you do... Forget it. My point must've gotten across, yeah? I'm sure that a smart girl like you doesn't need to be told the same thing over and over again."

"..Why are you getting angry?"

"I'm not angry, I'm just warning you beforehand. I don't want you to commit a mistake because I care for you, yeah?" Elias flashed his signature smile. "I'm worried about you."




The two finished their meal in silence after that. The attendees around them sensed that something was wrong, but was too scared to voice out their thoughts.