Cramming It All

[Your charisma and deeds have touched another person's heart and instilled hope. They regard you very highly.]

[Faith points: 50/100]

'Interesting.' Serenia smirked.

"This would mean.." Serenia swiped the notification windows around and looked for more information regarding the act.

There was no other explanation aside from 'Alia' being the one who raised her points. To her, the action of saving the girl was just casually done on a whim. However, to Alia, it probably meant so much more. To the point where it was able to grant her ten faith points right off the bat.

'I'd have to look more into this in the future.' Serenia sighed.

It looks like more philanthropic actions were to come. She needed to pinpoint all the methods that could help raise her points.

There was also another thing on her mind. The reward she got for passing the first level, a key to a library.

"I won't be doing anything else, and it's already late. It should be safe now.. right?"

The system had warned her, so it was quite apparent that she was most likely going to vanish from the real world and warp into the 'library'.

'Let's just wing it.' Serenia huffed before taking out the key from the item box. A new window instantly popped out.

[Would you like to enter the ?]

[ ]

Serenia pressed the button lightly.

Immediately, strings of blue light began to materialize and circle around her body. A complex magic circle formed below her feet. A blinding light emanated from it, causing Serenia to shut her eyes off to protect herself.

When she opened her eyes, she was no longer in her room.

It was a mystical place. When the word library is used, one would think that a sickening amount of books are going to be paraded all over the place. Instead of books greeting her, the place she was in looked more like a black void with nothing in sight.

Serenia frowned and looked left and right to find anything substantial. She took a step forward, and a stone platform appeared. On top of it was an hourglass that sparkled, as if inviting her to come and touch it quickly.

Serenia gulped a mouthful of saliva and touched it. The hourglass slowly flew up into the air and turned around, causing some sand to begin trickling down from the crevice in the middle.

[Time limit: 2 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds.]

[Feature: has been added to the system.]

The entire space was illuminated with a warm, golden light. The true appearance of the library was finally visible. There were various doors with luminous staircases leading up to them.

"...!" Serenia was surprised with the revelation. The hourglass was like a switch.

A blue window appeared. This time, it was filled with words that she could select.

Like a catalogue, the 'map' had a list of categories that she could easily venture through.

"For starters.." Serenia scrolled through the categories and finally found the one she wanted.


She wanted to learn more about the Light element.

She pressed the button, and a string of light showed up. It connected to a specific door, not far away from where Serenia was standing.

"I'm meant to go through that door, yeah?" Serenia followed the string and stood in front of the door. She then lightly twisted the knob to peek inside.

It was then that she realized the true intensity of this monstrous place.

"...Just this chamber alone surpasses my castle's library." Serenia's mouth gaped as she took in the sight of thousands of books and scriptures neatly lined up next to one another.

The map window began to shift. This time, instead of the general categories that she saw earlier, the choices were much more specific and directed.

"This! This is a good way to improve my Light magic proficiency!" Serenia smiled in joy.

As the Demon King, she was a master of most magic elements except for one. The Light element. As if it was intended by fate for the two sides to fight, the Light and Dark elements repelled each other.

They were each others' biggest weakness.

Thus, she never took her time to learn about this particular element.

"With Serenia's innate talents.. I could catch up in terms of power and knowledge very quickly."

She had three hours to absorb as much knowledge as possible from this place. She had no time to waste! She wanted to utilize every single precious second to the max, as she didn't know when she could visit this place again.

Serenia became fired up and began picking out several books that caught her attention, then sat down to read them fervently.

Even though it was already supposed to be nighttime, drowsiness did not touch her at all as her eyes scanned through the lines of text rapidly, digesting all the pieces of information she could take in.

On the side, she also tried out the things she had learned. Unfortunately, due to the body's limitations, she wasn't able to perform some spells yet. However, Serenia still made sure to memorize them for future reference.

By the end of the three hour journey, a notification from the system arrived and announced the end of her stay.

Serenia, who was just about to finish a certain book on advanced healing magic spells groaned in displeasure as the objects around her started to fade into nothing.

Even the book in her hands became light crystals which then disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Aww. You could've at least let me finish reading the book. How cruel." Serenia stood up and stretched her body to release the tension she built after sitting for three hours straight.

"Oh well! I've garnered more than enough knowledge to kickstart my learning process." Serenia clenched her fists.

She had more or less assimilated to the body's magical circuits and energy. Basic to intermediate spells were no longer a challenge for her. She also learned a lot of advanced spells from the books, but she required more practice to master them completely.

"Let's return to my room.. I'm quite sleepy." Serenia yawned.

Just as she said that, the void around her started to shift once again, and she felt a slight turbulence wrap around her.

When she opened her eyes, she was back in her room.